Shrek and Trump pt.2

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Shrek goes up to the counter in the shop and asks "Do you know who that man is?" The cashier nods. "Okay, where can I find him?" he says. "I don't know. Somewhere in Washington DC or something," says the cashier, shrugging. Shrek leaves and starts to head towards Washington DC.

Time skip to that place

Shrek arrives in Washington DC and sees a large crowd of people gathering in one place. Shrek pushes his way through the crowd and gets to the front so he can clearly see what's going on. As soon as he gets to the front, he sees him. The love of his life. The person he has been longing for for such a long time. Which was only a few hours but still.

Trump POV
As I was giving my really bad speech I looked over the crowd. My eye catches a glimpse of a tall, green, sexy young man. I am lost for words. I start to stutter and I can feel my face getting warm. What are these feelings that have suddenly come over me? I think maybe I'm in love. Which an ogre?!

Shrek POV
As I'm looking at him, I see his eyes meet mine. As soon as they do he starts to stutter and his face is turning a shade of an orangeypinkish color. Does he like me? I sure hope he does. I'm super hot.

Third person
At the end of the speech people start to clear out. But Shrek stays. He wants to meet this mysterious man. As Trump is walking down the stage, Shrek walks over to him. "Hello sir," Shrek says in is sexy Scottish accent. "Oh! H-h-hello. You startled me," Trump says back, hiding a slight blush. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to step away from the cheese puf- I mean president," says a demanding officer. "Sorry, I didn't know who you were," Shrek says politely. "It's fine. Officer leave us. We shall just have a chat," says Trump as he waves away the other officers. The officers all left  Now they were alone

"We are alone now. Is there something you wanted?" Trump says, surprisingly without stuttering. "Yes, I just wanted to meet you. I'm Shrek," he says, holding out his hand.

Trump POV
Shrek huh? So the man I fell head over heals in love with is named Shrek. I wonder what his last name is. What will our ship name be? Shrump or Treck? hmmm.

Third person
Trump takes Shrek's hand and shakes it. They are big and warm. Trump's pants suddenly get a bit tighter than before. Shrek notices how small Trump's hand is. Cute he thinks to himself.

"I-i'm Donald, Donald Trump," Trump sputters out.(I wanted to call him Dorito Trump so bad) "It's very nice to meet you," Shrek says as he winks seductively at him. The tension is building. "So, you in a relationship?" Shrek asks.

Trump POV
That was so forward! I want to say no but I am married. God, I wonder what he tastes like. "Yes, unfortunately," I say, the last bit under my breath. "Oh, sorry I asked then," Shrek says looking down. "Why, did you want to ask my out😏?" I ask smirking.

Shrek POV
Did he just say that? I knew it, he likes me. "Yes, actually. But since you are already in a relationship I guess you can't-" I say but get cut off. Rude. "Who ever said I was loyal?" Oh? "Follow me," he says. I do so and we end up in a motel bedroom. How did we get here you may ask  I have no idea. Ask the author if you really want to know. Anyways, the whole time we were walking here I stared at his ass. His nice, big, juicy ass. I'm horny now. Damn.

Third person
When Shrek and Trump enter the motel room, they immediately start to make out. Shrek is very good at kissing, but, Trump is horrible at it. He's getting slobber all over the place and he doesn't know what to do with his tongue. "Okay, maybe not so much kissing," Shrek suggests. "Fine, how about this?" says Trump, as he leans himself over the bed. Shrek takes off both of their clothes and tries to find something to use for lube.


Lube appears out of thin air because the author told it to. Anyways, Shrek grabs the lube and goes to spread in on his erect 10 inch dick. When the lube is on, he spreads open Trump's cheeks. But, he notices something weird. There is dried up shit along the inside of his ass. Shrek looks at him with disgust. "Do you not wipe or wash your ass?" he asks. "Ha, no, that's gay," Trump replies.



"Do you want me to go wash my ass?" Trump asks quietly, feeling ashamed. "Yes, yes, go do that," says Shrek, rubbing his temple. When Trump returns with a clean ass, Shrek catches a glimpse of his dick. It was, well, disappointing. Micro penis type. Very sad. Anyways, Trump bends over once again. This time it is clean. Shrek puts in more lube and opens the ass. "Oh yes~" Trump moans.

Trump POV
Shrek's dick feels so good. I feel like I'm going to cum already. As Shrek is fucking me from behind, I can hear him letting out soft moans. I start to rub my own SUPER big dick to give myself extra stimulation. "Fuck Shrek~. I'm going to cum ahhh~" I practically yell.

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