Overwhelmed Ethan

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Ethan was surrounded by the intrusive, loud sound of the ocean, it was consuming him. He came to his senses and moved his body with full force to save himself. Every corner he turned to was water.

The water in his mouth prevented him from screaming, the only thing that could be heard was his arms flailing around in the cold sea besides a presence next to him. He sensed someone else in the same sea, beside him.

It was his own twin brother who was struggling as well. He tried to reach to his brother but he was pulled up from the water. Ethan's heart skipped a beat when he realised there was third person there.

He looked up and saw y/n helping Elijah up. He signaled at them for help but they were too busy making out with each other.

"I almost lost you today." y/n said.

Elijah held her face, "I am glad you chose to save me and not that bastard." he chuckled along with y/n.

Ethan was deeply hurt but he knew they'd at least help him out the water. They wouldn't just let him die, right?

"It's always gonna be you over him, any day." y/n smiled.

"Prove it then." Elijah pointed at his brother.

"That's not fair! I am the-e one wh-ho loves you not Elij-" Ethan was shot by y/n before he could complete the sentence. She pulled out a pistol and shot him in the skull. Elijah and y/n watched the sunset happily together right after.

(end of dream)

Ethan woke up, sweating profusely, he scanned his surroundings to make sure he wasn't in danger. He let out a breath of relief and got up from the ground. Nor Elijah neither y/n were laying next to him as he remembered the previous night.

He overlooked their disappearance and went straight to get some food. He put on his "disguise" and walked around town to spot a food place.

He stopped at some poorly-maintained little shop by the alleyway. He didn't want to walk any longer so he decided to fuck it and eat there even though the food quality seemed terrible. He ordered some eggs and bacon and waited for his meal to cook while watching the tv which was stuck on a news channel.

"Of course it's a news channel" Ethan mumbled and rolled his eyes. He grew even more grumpy when the channel telecasted news about their kidnapping.

But something unusual caught his eye. The TV was on silent but the subtitles that he read caught him off guard.

The reporter was talking about a potential love triangle between the teenagers and framing them as the suspects, not the victims. The love between them was their motive of hurting each other, she said with sheer confidence.

Ethan scoffed at the stupidity of their theories until he remembered his dream. Was it all a sign? He was worried. He loved Amie since middle school, why would that change all of a sudden? He tried to convince himself but it didn't work.

He never reached out to Amie after she disappeared. Why? He asked himself. How could forget about Amie? Out of all people? Ethan ordered some beer with his breakfast to wash down all of his emotions with the drink. This can't be happening right now, he thought.

He didn't want to feel this way because he didn't have the guts to admit his love for y/n. We are platonic soulmates for fuck sake! Ethan was beating himself down.

The alcohol only made him think more. Maybe the melted ice cream wasn't the end of their friendship but the start of their love story.

That day in the theatre was when Ethan finally realised how he felt about y/n. The feeling had been there since the first time they met but he never recognised it. He thought friends always felt that way.

Today, it was right in front of him as clear as day. The exact way he felt about y/n.

He buried his head on the table and continued to contemplate his situation. y/n always chose Elijah over him while he chose y/n over the rest of the world. It was unfair, she didn't deserve him sometimes.

He at first thought he should y/n one last chance to choose. She could either stay with Elijah or go back to their parent's house with Ethan. That was the right thing to do, even y/n knew it. She said it herself when Dylan was telling them about his evil fucking plan.

Then a thought entered Ethan's mind, Maybe I was wrong for always giving y/n a chance to choose. She never deserved one, Ethan left the restraunt.

He called Amie through a pay phone, she was forced to put it on speaker so the police who were constantly on her case could listen. She was at the hospital for yet another interrogation and Noelle had woken up.

 "Hello." He said.

"Hi, Are you okay?" She recognised it was Ethan.

"Yeah, Where are you I wanna see you." He spoke.

Amie was hesitant to reply but then one of the cops whispered in her ears to invite him over, she did as she was told and Ethan was given the address of the hospital they were all in. He slowly made his way there by walking.

He didn't regret leaving behind y/n or his brother. Y/n needed to face the consequences of her life without Ethan's help for once and Elijah was the one who got them into this mess, I am not gonna be there to save either of them, Ethan thought.

He finally reached the hospital and he felt his soul leave his body when he saw cops there. Amie was also there, sitting by Noelle who was awfully bruised up. Ethan couldn't take it, he fainted out of fear.

The police had no choice other than to let him rest and then ask him questions.

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