17. Maybe I Like the Ladies

Start from the beginning

                “I would stay and argue with you even though it’s clear as day that you were staring at my arms, hence your blushing, but I have a meeting to attend. Also, I’m pretty sure you have to go somewhere with my sister and prove to your mother that you’re alive.”

                I frowned. “Jace is not my mother.”

                “Could have fooled me.” He grinned and then leaned down to kiss me so softly that my breath was stolen as his lips departed. “Have a lovely day, Kasey,” he breathed, his eyes intense.

                Speechless, I nodded my head and then headed out the door and to my own room. Wow, Justin is… wow.

                “…I know that is the case but I don’t really want to take it into consideration.” The sound of Nicolette’s voice snapped me right out of my Justin haze and back into reality. Ew. “I’ll see you next month though, don’t worry.” She waved to a smiling Jace and then turned to face me, her smile turning to a frown at the sight of me. “Ugh, it’s you. I’m leaving, if you even care.”

                “Well I don’t, so…” I shrugged.

                “Kasey!” Jace reprimanded as Nicolette flushed. I rolled my eyes and Nicolette walked out the door and out of my life. Thank God. Don’t have to look at her for at least a month now.

                Appeased, I headed for the cabinet for a bottle of water feeling Jace’s eyes on me the entire time. I took a sip of my water and turned to face her glare.

                “Where are you half the time now? Do you even live here anymore? And why are you so rude all of the time? Nicolette told me what you said to her. And who was that girl you were with last night who was so rude to me? I mean where did you even find her in the first place? Isn’t she like opposite of your type to hang out with? Also, how come—”

                I put a hand up, halting her. “Sorry, I got stuck on the part where you said she’s opposite of the type I’d hang out with.”

                With a sigh, she leaned against the dishwasher, crossing one leg over another. “It seems like all we do is fight now.”

                “Maybe moving in together wasn’t such a good idea,” I mumbled.

                Jace blanched. “What?” she hissed.

                “As you said, all we do is argue and you try to control me like you’re my mother and it’s suffocating.”

                “Wow, you sound just like Justin.” She snorted.

                I fiddled with my hands. If only she knew. “You have to let me live my life just like you live yours. I don’t comment on your lifestyle when most of the time I don’t even approve.”

                “Really now?” She raised an eyebrow and I gave a tightlipped smile.


                “Fine. I’ll let up some. I just care about you, Kasey.” Her eyes crinkled in concern and I narrowed my eyes.          

                “Well chill out some with the judgment and rude comments. Milly is a totally acceptable friend for me to have, as well as Charlotte.” I put my water down onto the counter and then headed for my bedroom. Speaking of Milly I have to see her soon.

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