The Adoring Reunion (YuJin)

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RAREPAIR MOMENT I GUESS?? KuwaMeshi coming soon this is just very self-indulgent because I find them cute.

Fluff Piece
Context: Its been a year or two since Yusuke and Jin have seen each other, though both of them just happen to be chasing the same demon in the human world.


Shameless flirting, years of pent-up romantic tension, mutual pining, dorks, can't confess to save their life.

"Aw shit." I grumbled and rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm lost."

I kept telling myself I should've brought Hiei or Kurama with me for directions but no, I just had to have that signature flaming ego. I mean hell, I was badass, but not when it came to directions. That was evident enough.

Right about then, I found myself in the middle of a forest that was far too large for its own good. Could I bother to remember the name? Hell no. And I knew there was no chance Botan or Koenma would pop up with my summons and get me outta there.

I really had to find this demon, though, so I probably wouldn't go even if I had to. Just another scummy little shit eating more kids. Where have I heard that one before? Maybe I should've brought Kurama and Hiei just for the nostalgia. I mean, the woods? A child-eater? That brought me back to the day we officially mey, what a doozy that was.

"Ah damn, where's north again?" A familiar voice echoed from my left. It had a funky accent, but I couldn't quite place it. Besides that, I didn't know what someone else would be doing in a place like this unless they were a demon hunter.

"Hello? Somebody out there?" I called cautiously, squinting my eyes again. Okay, okay, that probably wasn't the best idea in the world, but what did I care? I'd just beat their ass if they were really looking for a brawl.

"Huh? What's it ta' you?" The voice shot back. I was now 100% sure I've heard it somewhere before. Felt like it belonged to someone important. To be fair, I did know a lot of people, how was I expected to remember all their voices?

"Well, I dunno what someone would be doing out in these parts, that's all. Unless you're, well, looking for someone." I stepped forward in the direction I heard the voice, the leaves crunching and breaking beneath my feet.

"So maybe I am! Wait- How'd you know 'bout that? You lookin' for you-know-who too?" An Irish accent, that was it! Wait, what? That didn't make sense. I didn't know anyone with an Irish accent.


I popped out from behind one of the trees, astonishment evident on my face.


"Hold on jus' a second- Yusuke?" The redhead blinked. "That you?"

"Hell yeah man, it's me!" I grinned ever-so-brightly and wrapped my old friend in a bone-crushing hug, a hug which he returned gleefully.

"Shit, you've grown a hell of a lot in just a year or two! Almost didn't recognize ya'!" Jin replied with a laugh, quite close to popping my back. To be fair, I was embracing him with about the same force.

"I'd say so too, but to be honest, you don't look too different from before! What're you doing out here, man?" I let go and gave him a playful slap on the back.

"Probably the same as you, ya know there's no other way we'd both be out here right now." He snorted, the answer quite obvious.

"Fair enough." I slung my hands behind my head to brace my neck, getting a rather wonderful idea. "Say... How would you feel about a little team-up? It would make our tasks much easer. Plus, we get to hang out! I see it as an all-over win." I winked.

"Hah! I like it! Team, uhh- YuJin is good ta' go!" Jin came up with a mash name on the spot, eliciting a snicker from my mouth.

"YuJin, huh? What are we, a power couple?" I nudged him in the side.

"Psh. You wish. We'd be an awesome power couple, ya' know." The horned boy scoffed, smiling, though now a bit flushed with slight embarrassment.

"That's true. We could totally rule the whole Demon Plane together. We'd be, like, the coolest." My eyes shimmered as I spoke of the tease that was starting to seem not-quite-so teasing.  "I mean hey, we can have life goals, right? I should put you on my bucket list."

"Oh please, I'm way ahead of ya' on that one. Was definitely gonna bring it up next time I saw yer little punk face." He squished my cheek between his pointer finger and his thumb, a laugh bubbling up from his chest. He was sweet. He was cute too, damn cute.

"Oh? You've had marriage plans all this time and you haven't even told me? Damn, guess we need to work on our communication." I poked fun at him with a good-intentioned sneer. It felt like we were dancing circles around each other. I'd been flirting with him since day one, but surely it was just playful banter on his end. Right?

"Well I'd say so, power couples gotta do that ta' maintain their power couple status." Jin bopped my nose sportively, moving in just a bit closer to me.

"Awww, you'd wanna maintain your status with me?" I purred, moving in closer than he had, almost challengingly. Our proximity was quite intimate at this point, and now it seemed both of us were testing the limits of this thing.

"'Course I would, ya' dorky little punk." He scoffed and closed in to the point where our noses were touching ever-so-slightly. The look in his eyes was practically daring, though I knew he thought I wouldn't do anything.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it, my dear Jin." I smirked and pecked him quickly on the lips, coaxing a heavy blush out on to his cheeks. "Anywho, don't we have a certain demon to catch?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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