
It was time for the moment of truth. She had already let the bomb out. Now it was time for the after math."At the party Ashton threw he forgot to mention he seduced my best friend "

Ashton got up not caring about anything. He grabbed his keys and jacket at walked out. He didn't know what he was supposed to say he just wanted to know if it was true.

Skylar had recently shared with her brother why she trusted Arabella so much. Because they were similar they both didn't want people to know who they really were. And that Arabella's parents were the billionaire Knights. And everyone knew where they lived.
Arabella was laying on her bed crying into her pillow. Isabella had gone to get Parker who was yet to hear the news. She had been holled up in her room for days not answering calls or texts ignoring everyone. She hadnt been eating which wws bad for her and the baby. But she was to distraught to care.

Despite the fact that her sister had been bring her food to her room she could not bring herself to eat.

She heard someone banging on the door and went to get it. She had no other choice considering she was the only one home.

She opened the door and seen Ashton. She was surprised to see him seeing as she hadn't told anyone where she lived. "What are you doing here? How did you find this place?" She knew if he was able to find her he knew the truth. Who her parents had been.

There was only one thing on his mind if she was really pregnant."Is it true?"

"Who told you?" She did not want him to find out preferably ever. She just wanted to keep everything a secret. She knew everything was already changing with her parents now dead.

"My sister." He did not like the way that she had told him but was happy that his sister had been honest.

She was confused last she knew he did not have a sister. Or how that sister had found out about her pregnancy."What sister?"

"Skylar!" There was no hiding it now Arabella would have eventually traced it back to her.

"Did you just say Skylar?" Skylar had never told her anything about having a brother. Or that he was her brother a lot of things were starting to make a lot of sense now.

"That was not the point." The point was that he knew and this was not something that they could hide.

She didn't care what the point was she just wanted to be left alone. She wanted to grieve the death of her parents. She wanted to get the funeral and everything that was to come over with. She knew the baby should be her concern but she couldn't bring herself to care not yet. "Can you just leave me alone?"

"No!" This was not something they could hide or push under the rug and pretend never happened they had to deal with it head on.

"Why do you care? Im busy and everything changed in a matter of weeks i just need a minute to bre-" She started to get light headed she was getting another dizzy spell. She knew it was going to have the same result as the time in the school. She grabbed the wall as she stsrted to fall. He caught her before she hit the ground. He picked her up and carried her to his car. He put her in the front seat and got in the driver side. His phone was connected to the speakers. He called Skylar.

" WHERE ARE YOU??" She was not sure how he was going to react she knew it would be bad. But him disappearing had not occurred on the list of possibility's.

"Just do me a favor and meet me at the hospital and do not tell mom." He knew that if his mom already did not like Arabella she was not going to like this.


Arabella woke up in the hospital. She tried to sit up but she was to weak. She was trying to figure out how she ended up in the hospital again. She expected to see Isabella but she didn't see her. "You need to rest your body."

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