Welcome to Xyrus Academy

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Third person

April 5th.

Xyrus Academy entrance ceremony day.

Cherry blossoms bloom, signaling the arrival of spring, and along with the arrival of spring also comes the start of another school year at Dicathen's largest and most prestigious magical academy.

From Kathyln Glayder's point of view

"Your Highnesses, we have arrived." The driver said as he opened the carriage door.

My brother and I got out of the Carriage and passed through the entrance gate of the Xyrus Academy which was made of beautiful white marble.

As we walked to the local auditorium where the entrance ceremony will be held, I began to hear murmurs about me and my brother.

"Man, they really have a different aura."

"Princess Kathlyn is still as hot as ever."

"Prince Curtis is a cat."

I shot them a look as sharp as broken glass, and that was enough for them to shut up.

As soon as I entered the auditorium I shuddered at how loud it was inside. Thousands of excited students, all chatting, some with friends they came with, some with people they are meeting for the first time.

"LET'S FIND A SEAT!" The auditorium was so loud that my brother next to me had to shout so I could hear him.

I let my gaze roam the auditorium to see if I could find empty seats for us.

As my gaze wandered around the auditorium I realized that instead of looking for empty seats I was looking for Arthur.

Eventually we found a seat in the middle of the auditorium near the back rows.

Looking around more carefully, I was surprised at how many dwarves and elves I see sitting around, talking to those around them.

'this continent is really advancing' I thought proudly.

Getting bored of looking around, I glanced at the clock on the wall.

'There are still twenty minutes to go before the ceremony begins.'

I settled myself better in the armchair and took out a small book on mana manipulation of the ice attribute and started to read it.


The noisy auditorium was suddenly in absolute silence, I took my eyes off the pages in the book and looked around me and I realized that the auditorium was silent not because the students stopped reading but because their voices disappeared, I focused my attention on the stage and I saw Cynthia standing behind the podium smiling.

'I knew she could use sound magic...but I didn't realize that she is skilled enough to silence a building!' I thought tucking my book into my dimensional ring.

"Sorry for the rudeness, but I hate talking loudly. It's not good for my throat." Cynthia says in a pleasant voice that, while soft, was heard perfectly clear, even here in the back row.

"I welcome everyone here, the future leaders, scholars and potential of Dicathen to this humble Academy. I'm Cynthia Goodsky, please call me Principal Goodsky and don't be afraid to say hello when I walk around campus. As I thought about giving a long and boring speech, I realized that this is a very space year...I'm proud to say that since the founding of this institution...we've never had so many elves and dwarves in attendance as we do today! than introducing you to the students who will lead you and give each of you a voice. Please give a warm welcome to the Xyrus Academy Student Council!" Cynthia waves her hand that has been raised and, one by one, the council members start to leave.

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