It's Just a Game Anyway

Start from the beginning

He took a few deep breaths and finally looked back at where you were. Or where you were supposed to be.

"Y/n? Oi, y/n!" he yelled.

"Mammon, what the actual fuck?!"

You had finally made your way to where he was standing, holding onto the wall not to lose balance.

"How dare you make me run like this two seconds before PE?"

"I'm sorry?"

"I hate you so much..." you sighed "Anyway, why did you make me run all the way here?"

"Ah yeah, I forgot to say. Today, class will be in pairs."

"Ah~ so you just wanted to pair up with me? How cute?"

"Wha?! Pfft! No!"

"Well, that sucks. I wanted to pair up with you."

"You do?" his eyes sparkled.

"I did."


"Beel!" you waved to the demon who had just arrived.

"Seriously? You're gonna leave me for him?"

"You said you didn't wanna pair up." you smirked.

"Yeah, no. We have a pact so you have to stay with me. You understand?"

You hummed sarcastically in reply.

"Alright, class." the teacher called, clapping his hands together "Today you'll be forming pairs for the train."

He then proceeded to explain what we would do, making sure he didn't miss any detail.

"What?!" Mammon shouted.

You were trying to contain your laugh, but eventually gave in since Mammon was acting so childish.

"Seriously?! We'll be fighting our pairs?! What's the point in that?"

The teacher just shrugged, clearly uninterested in Mammon's complains.

"What? Are you that scared to fight me? It's not even that serious. It's just a train for self defense, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but if I end up killing you, I'd get expelled ya know?"

"Then don't."

"Oh wow, my problems are all solved."

"Alright, start!" the teacher whistled.

"You gonna hit me or what?" you frowned.

"Nah, you can start."


You got a bit closer to Mammon, throwing your fist at his stomach, to which he easily strayed.

"You're too slow."

"Yeah, maybe if I had the speed of a demon it would be better, but guess what? I don't. So if you want someone better, just switch partners already." you gasped.

The demon stopped in his tracks, not understanding why you would say that. In his mind, Mammon was just trying to motivate you to fight better. But noticing by your reply that it didn't work, he proceeded to his next move.

"I'll hit you then. Try to dodge from this."

And with that, Mammon completely covered your view with his hand and put a foot behind your ankles, pushing you to the floor.

However, in the meantime, you had grabbed on his shirt, making him fall along with you.

"Oi, what the hell do you think-"

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