I opened my door and her face lit up.

"I forgot how cool your room is, I've only been in here twice and one of those times I was practically unconscious." She was smiling widely, and I couldn't help but grin at how happy she looked.

I grabbed her hand and started running up to the top of the theatre, bringing us to the highest seats we could get to.

We sat down next to each other and  she laughed a bit before resting her head on my arm.

I realized she had never seen my room shift before, so I decided to mess with her a bit.

The stage of my room shifted into a small field with a castle far in the background. 

She immediately pulled her head up, leaning forward. Her eyes widened.

I then shifted the stage into her room, the store she works at, and then back to normal.

With every change she looked more and more confused, I was trying my best to hold in my laughter.

"Huh- W-what?" She looked at me with a look of disbelief.

"Oh yeah, the stage shifts into places that are related to whoever the hottest person in the room is." I shrugged and she dropped the look on her face before smiling.

"Pffft-" She rolled her eyes and elbowed my side.

She rested her head back on my arm, sighing.

"Everything alright, chica linda?" I scoffed and she started picking at her nail polish.

"Mhm. It's just, what are we?" Her smile dropped into a slight frown.

"We're whatever you want us to be." I wrapped my arm around her, she looked up at me.

She sat for a moment, thinking.

"In that case, I want us to be a forty year old married couple, I'll be a stay at home mom with our eight kids and you'll be the dad that gets caught up at work." She made quotation marks with her fingers on the last bit.

I laughed, then stood up and shifted into some random dude from the village. I started "pleading my case" on why I was out until two in the morning last night doing "work".

She giggled a bit, but quickly went back to a frown

I shifted back into myself and sat down again.

"Is there anything else bothering you?" I held her hands in mine.

"No, I just don't like when you shape-shift. I know that's probably stupid cause that's like your whole thing, but I just like you as yourself. Chameleon clothes and all." She smiled back up at me and I sighed a bit.

"Okay. I'll make sure to be Camilo around you then." My voice had a tone of uncertainty in it, I felt like this was the first time anyone ever needed me to just be me.

Since I was 5 years old, I was asked to be someone else. 

It felt comforting in a way, to know that there was at least one person that just needed me, and the real me, not some different version of me.

We both stayed silent, not really knowing what words to say.

Eventually the silence started feeling slightly sickening, so I broke it.

"Lets do something, wanna play never have I ever?" I turned towards her, bringing my knees to my chest.

"Why not, can we go sit on the stage floor?" She tilted her head and I nodded mine.

We walked down again and sat right in the middle, I grabbed some pillows and blankets off of my bed for us to be on.

"Such a respectful young man." Estella commented as I was dragging everything over, making me laugh and drop a few things.

We both put up ten fingers, and they went down one by one.

"Okay okay, never have I ever looked through my siblings stuff."

"Never have I ever faked sick to get out of something."

"Uhhh, Never have I ever held a grudge longer than a year."

Soon enough we were both down to one hand, I had 3 up and she had 5.

"Hm, never have I ever smoked." I was running out of ideas so I just said something random to get my turn done and over with.

To my surprise, she put a finger down.

"Wait- what?" I dropped my hands down into my lap.

"Yeah, not a big deal. I've stopped now. It's just what happens when you're 14 and the only friend you have is some 17 year old high school dropout. Whenever him and I stopped talking I stopped smoking, it really wasn't much. Just how my life works." She shrugged like it was nothing.

"Dude, fourteen? The closest I've ever gotten to a cigarette is when someone in town was smoking and I walked past them." I couldn't process what I had just heard.

"Yeah well you aren't me. Anyway, never have I ever eaten an entire pack of Oreos in one sitting." She was still sitting with her fingers up, as if nothing happened.

Yeah well you aren't me.

How much more of her life was I missing? What if my family was right? I shook my head at the thought of it and brought my hands back up, putting a finger down.

She laughed a bit and I explained that I was like twelve and didn't realize until they were all gone.

"Uh, never have I everrr, drank straight up alcohol." I asked another useless question, not knowing what else to say.

Again, she put a finger down.

I felt my heart racing, don't get me wrong, most kids our age were drinking beer on the daily. At family events I had even been handed some by my own parents, that's just how it works here. With her though, who knows what she's done, based on her answer to the last question she could have been drinking straight tequila when she was fourteen. 

"Care to explain?" I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Again, just how my life works. I haven't since I was fifteen though, my parents got suspicious when their vodka started tasting more and more like water, so they threw it in the freezer and sure enough it froze. I was grounded for like a month and then they just stopped buying it. I'm surprised they didn't catch on sooner, basically all the alcohol was at least 90% water for around two years." She spoke so calmly and easily, as if everyone did it.

"Estella, what the hell? So you were like thirteen and taking shots? Are you okay, physically and mentally?" I grabbed her hands and held them,  she rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine. I haven't done anything like that to myself since I turned 16, I'm perfectly okay." She squeezed my hands and I nodded my head.

"Alright, let's go check on my Tia Julieta, dinner should be ready soon." I stood up and offered her my hand, she took it and we walked out of my room.

The only thoughts in my mind were worrying about if they would like her or not.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

mi chica linda // camilo x ocWhere stories live. Discover now