As I stood up I closed my eyes in pain. My head was killing.

Not literally but I mean it fucking hurt. A lot.

"Ow, my head's killing." I groaned, sitting back down.

"Are you okay?" James asked worriedly as Lauren placed a cold hand onto my head.

"She's burning up." Lauren whispered to James as I rested my head on the back of the seat.

I turned to look around the building to see we were nearly the only ones still here. The boys told me and James to wait for them here.

I groaned as my head hurt from the action and lay back again, closing my eyes. 

"I'm going to sleep." I mumbled.

"No Natalie, you have to stay awake." Lauren demanded, "Going to sleep is one of the worst things you could do right now."

"Whatever," I mumbled again, "I'm tired."

I wrapped my unusually shaky arms around my torso before snuggling into the seat and started to drift of as voices came from the other side of the room.

I heard alot of whispering and mumbling before I felt a pair of arms pick me up. I was too tired to try and figure out who it was so I just kept quiet and snuggled my face into their chest as they carried me out into the van.

They placed me down and sat beside me as everyone piled into the van loudly.

Suddenly the voices became quieter and quieter as I drifted off to sleep.


"And yeah, then I said that I was too tired to do anything and he was like..."

I woke up to someone speaking loudly and carelessly. Someone speaking a little too much.

"Louis shut the fuck up. You can talk the hind legs off a donkey." I mumbled sleepily.

"Natalie!" I heard people gasp and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god shut up. My head's killing." I moaned, opening my eyes.

"Who wants to play hide and seek?" Louis suggested.

I gave him a confused look, "Louis you can't play hide and seek in a car..."

"Oh... um, Tag? Tag you're it!" He cried, tagging Harry who was next to him.

"Tag you're it!" Harry cried back childishly, tagging him.

"No!" Louis looked like he was about to cry, "Natalie! Tag you're it."

"Louis? Seriously?"

"Aw you ruined it." Harry frowned.

"No, you can't play Tag in a car either..." I added.

"I spy!" Louis cried, bouncing up and down in his seat.

"Uh okay I guess you can play that..."

"Okay... I spy with my little eye..." He trailed off looking confused with himself. "Oh I forgot how to play."

"Louis?" I asked him with a weird look.

"Louis Louis Louis Louis. That's weird it's like Lew-ee that's weird it should be Lewis. Did you know Fizzy calls me Lewis? My own sister calling me by the wrong name. Fizzy sounds like a can of pop like it could be a new name! Oh my gosh we should make our own pop and call it Fizzy Pop!"

"No Louis." Everyone groaned.

"Okay what happened to Louis?" I questioned, looking at the boy who was acting extremely weird next to me.

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