••••《 2 - Esqueleto 》

Start from the beginning

"Well, that's a shame." My mom says with suspicion.  

"Yes, it is! Which is exactly why I volunteered to help out!" My dad smiles, but my mom and Sam aren't very happy.

"Dad!" Sam exclaims. 

"I'm doing it for the school! Trust me, you won't even notice me." My dad shrugs and then he looks to me. 

"What about you Robin? Are you going to the dance? Will you spend some time with your old man since your sister will be busy with her friends?" I look at him and then everyone else.  

"I wasn't planning on going." I mumble. "I don't really have a costume anyways." My mom looks over at me, her eyes piercing into my soul.  

"Why don't you go?" She pauses. "You can hang out with your dad." That right there is her secretly telling me, 'Hey, go to this party and distract your dad from embarrassing your sister.' "It might be fun." I nod slowly. 

"Okay then, I'll go. I just won't have a costume." I say, looking between everyone. 

"Sounds like a plan then!" My dad exclaims. 

Most of dinner is silent after that, other than Anthony's video games of course. 


☆ Scene Three – The Halloween Party: ☆

"So, dad, why did you actually sign up to do this?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. We've been at this Halloween party for fifteen minutes and it's already horrible. My Halloween costume is literally just a nice dress I never wear.  

"I told you, they needed the chaperones." My dad shrugs, smiling at me and eyeing everyone on the dance floor. 

"I'm not stupid." I raise an eyebrow. "You've been staring at Sam since we got here. I mean, seriously, you wanted me to spend time with you, but It's like I'm not even here." I let out a sigh. Normally I don't talk like that, but I'm genuinely wondering what's up with my dad. He turns his head towards me and looks at me, his face full of anxiety. 

"Okay, fine, you got me." My dad shakes his head. "I heard some things about Kyler, the boy your sister likes."  

"Yeah, I remember who Kyler is." I tell my dad as I look out in the crowd and spot him and Sam dancing. I look back towards my dad, wondering what he heard and why. I sure as hell didn't tell him anything. "What did you hear?" 

"It's nothing, I probably shouldn't even be worrying anyways. The person who told me isn't trustworthy." My dad shrugs. Suddenly, someone walks by, catching my dad's eye. "But speaking of that person." He pauses. "What the hell?" My dad mutters.

"What?" I ask. My dad's eyes are locked on something.

"It's nothing, I just, I have to look at something." My dad says, walking over to the gym exit. Full of confusion, I follow behind him. He picks up a yellow piece of paper and shakes his head. "Not now." My dad grumbles and exits the gym, walking down the hallway. I stay quiet behind as my dad turns a corner and freezes. He's standing in front of a blonde, adult man. "What's going on? What are you doing?" The man turns around and faces my dad. 

"LaRusso? What the hell are you doing here?" The man scoffs. 

"I asked you first." My dad tells the man. 

"I'm promoting my dojo." The man says, shaking the pile of posters in his hand.  

"You can't be here." My dad explains. "This is school property." 

"Then how are you here?" The man exclaims. 

"I'm helping with the Halloween party!" Suddenly my dad pauses, he turns his head and sees something else. "I need to go check on this, but you, you need to go now." My dad tells the man and walks off. I turn the corner and the man, still standing there, watches me 

"What the hell are you looking at?" The man says. 

"Nothing, I just, I need to see what that man over there is doing." I explain. 

"What for, he's a loser." The man rolls his eyes and continues hanging up paper. I stare at the man for another moment, wondering how my dad knows this guy, but I shake the thought out of my head and go off to find my dad. He couldn't have gotten far. 

I peer down a few empty hallways and look into a few classroom windows, but nothing. Then, all of a sudden, I hear the sound of my dad shouting, 'I'm sorry,' and someone else stomping down the hallway. I turn the corner, only to see Sam stomping off. She suddenly spots me and begins walking towards me.  

"Why weren't you with dad!?" She exclaims. I look at her, confused. 

"He had to look at something, I went to search for him after he disappeared, but I couldn't find him. Where is he?" I ask. 

"He totally just embarrassed me in front of Kyler! You had one job!" Sam exclaims. "Now the night is ruined!" I take a step closer to her, feeling my heart race and full of anger. 

"I didn't even want to come tonight! I only did because I knew dad would do something!" I shout. 

"And he did, so you obviously failed at your one job." She grumbles. 

"Why are you being so mean? I feel bad and I'm sorry, but I'm also 15. I'm not supposed to be babysitting a grown man!" I explain. Sam looks at me, thinking about what I just said. She shakes her head and then stomps off. My dad suddenly comes running past me. 

"Sam! Wait, I'm sorry!" He yells as he turns the corner and I'm left on my own. 

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