Chapter 2 Cullen's house

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It was 3 in the morning and the house phone started ringing.  Emmett stops the movie they all were watching.  "I'll get it." Carlisle says getting up. 

"Hello this is Dr Cullen."

"Dr Cullen, sorry to call this hour. Do you recognize the name Harry Potter?"

"Yes I do, a great kid loved him. May I ask why?"

"Well his aunt and uncle who were put in guardianship were not a good fit you see.  CPS got a call saying the neighbors heard a child scream." She took a breath, and Carlisle tried to hold his anger in. "What I'm saying is, would you and your wife like guardianship of Harrison J Potter." Carlisle looks away from the phone at the family and Esme smiles sadly.

"Yes, and it's not going to be guardianship, it's going to be parents and treat him as if they are own . I'll send you some papers on his family's past and all that.  When shall I expect him?"

"Two days at most, have a nice Dr Cullen." And with that the phone went off.  He joined the family on the couch.  "We need a family talk." He looked at Jasper and Alice, "there is something that you two need to know.  Nine years ago a family had a human.  Well kind of, you see he was a wizard and at the age of seven a man named Dumbledore came and explained that he has magic and there is a family, his mother's sister who will take him in so he can be closer to his world and learn about his parents." He rubbed his hand on his face, "I let him go thinking it will be safer, I just got a call saying that he is in need of a real family and people who care for him the way we do.  Voulti knows about him, we really never had a problem with him in any way."

"I think it's going to be amazing." Alice cheered.

"I agree." Jasper said, "not to mention it's been easier to control my thirst around humans now."

Carlisle smiles at that, "Alice and Rose, you're In charge of clothes and things like that.  Esme you get to design.  Jasper, Edward and Emmet I need you to get teenage boy things and I'll do the paperwork and all that." At that they all left to do their jobs.
I'm sorry this is a little short however I promise I'll update sooner signed fanfictionwrighter99

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