Howard Wolowitz- Helping: Part 1 (h)

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The Big Bang Theory One Shot

Not being able to tell your own brother about who you were dating had been hard, sure he knew you were in a relationship, but he didn't actually know who you were in that relationship with.

You knew he wouldn't approve, and he'd probably be hurt now as you'd kept it a secret for so long.

Leonard was the classic protective older brother, even though he was only older by five minutes, and because of that you didn't think he'd take too kindly to you going out with one of his best friends.

Now Howard hadn't been the greatest guy when you first met, he was annoying and arrogant and smarmy, but as you got to know him more he changed a bit – he became less bothered about chatting up women in bars, he wouldn't try those stupid pick-up lines anymore.

The two of you had been together for almost three years, no one ever saying anything to your friends and somehow managing to keep it under wraps.

It wasn't until Howard suggesting moving in together that you even thought of telling people – Howard's mother had recently gone into assisted living and had told Howard to renovate the house so that you and he could live there together.

You weren't opposed to it, but you didn't quite know how to explain you and Howard living together all of a sudden.

Leonard had come over for a coffee, and as the two of you were talking Howard walking in holding paint samples in his hand.

"Now this one would be nice in the living room, but I really need your opinion because you're better at this than me," he was talking as soon as he walked in, and only looked up once he'd realised you weren't answering him.

Your twin's face was a look of pure confusion as he stared at Howard standing in your kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" Leonard quizzed, causing you to sigh into your coffee cup.

Howard chuckled nervously and then held up the paint samples as an explanation. "I'm helping him, obviously."

Leonard turned to you in confusion. "Why would you be helping him?"

"Because he asked," you stated in a dead pan tone. "I'm not going to just say no am I?"

"Y/N is the only one that's free at the moment," Howard tried to explain. "You've got Penny, Sheldon has Amy, Raj has Emily."

Leonard didn't seem to buy it, but he went quiet, and then attempted to help Howard with his paint samples.

After a while Leonard left and offered a lift to Howard but when Howard declined Leonard left still looking confused. Only once Leonard left and the door was shut did both of you breathe a sigh of relief.

"Jesus Christ," you breathed out as you fell onto the sofa. "I'm so glad he didn't question how you got into my building."

Howard laughed as he sank onto the sofa next to you, throwing his arm around your shoulder. "I think you should be gladder that he didn't notice my NASA patch in that frame over there," he nodded to your mantlepiece where you usually kept photos of you and Howard but always took them down whenever people were over.

You laughed and shook your head. "That would've been fun to explain away."

"Don't you think we should just come out with it?" he quizzed, and you sighed knowing he was right. "Don't get me wrong, I've always been on board with not telling anyone, but now it's just too hard to handle."

Leaning your head on his shoulder, you cuddled up to him. "It's really going to hurt Leonard isn't it?"

Howard sighed as he kissed your hair. "Yes, but he'll be mad at me for longer," he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"When are we going to tell him? And everyone else for that matter?" your question was more hypothetical than it was actually posed to your boyfriend.

"Honestly? Absolutely no clue."


Written by Hannah.

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