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"well, that one soldier who had the blood on his uniform tested negative so that's good," taeyong tells doyoung and sicheng as they eat from their bowl of ramen outside. "and you tested negative so we've been keeping all this in check. no new cases in the bases overall."

"some new cases were found in the villages so the american doctors set up quarantine and treatment facilities in their base so we only need to worry about the ones in our area," sicheng shares.

"and the vaccination rates are going up and the effectiveness is proving to also be high, so i think we are fine with that," doyoung finishes. "i think we might have to send for some more masks though, we're running out fast."

"i have to send an update to the hospital today anyway, i can tell them that," taeyong writes the note down on a piece of paper. "anything else?"

"donghyuck is doing well so i think that we can take him out of quarantine by tomorrow maybe? his second test results are coming today," doyoung says with a smile. "so we finally have another set of hands hopefully on deck."

"i checked taeil today, he seems to be doing somewhat well but his fever is still the same and he said he's having some vision problems but we expected that. the patient still hasn't woken up but his vitals are pretty stable, just his breathing needs help," sicheng turns to taeyong. "but for taeil, i'm still keeping all yellow cards up, just in case."

the doctor nods and turns to his best friend, who's turned quiet at the mention of his boyfriend.

"don't worry, taeil is known for being stubborn, he's not gonna let this stop him," taeyong says with a bit of hope. doyoung just nods and goes back to eating his noodles.


jungwoo runs to them pulling a wagon of food, all still warm from being just cooked.

"i heard you guys have a break so i decided to cook for you guys, considering you guys have been living off of cup noodles for the past week. so here we go, i made saengsun jeon and bossam!"

he lifts the cover off and the three males all drool at the sight of all the food.

"did you get some for donghyuck and taeil," sicheng asks while taking a bite.

"i'm going there right now," the cook gestures to the two trays still filled with food. "if they're allowed to eat foods like these..."

"they can, they don't have any stomach trouble or restrictions so it's fine," taeyong tells the cook and jungwoo smiles.

"well then, i'm going to go to them, i'll be back!"

"jungwoo's been going out the base and cooking all day, how does he still have that much energy," doyoung thinks out loud and the two other males nod in agreement.




"special delivery," jaehyun and johnny say together as they come into the medicube. but unlike other days, when they're met with almost complete silence, it's crowded.

almost all the beds in the quarantine ward were filled with patients, both from closeby villages but also some of their patients.

"what happened, it's only been a day since i came here," jaehyun asks to no one.

"the virus spread faster than we thought but instead of it being the m2 type, it's m3. the us base only has enough supplies for m2 so we had to take the patients," doyoung approaches them and the fatigue is apparent in his eyes. his once sparkling black eyes were now just... black, no energy in them.

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