Chapter 8

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After few days...

Rajesh and anu get arrest for their deeds

Cabir manik raj nyonika come on a picnic with nandini

Cabir : yaar we have to do something

Manik : .I am also thinking the same thing what to do or not to do.. I am not understanding anything.

Cabir : I have an idea

Manik see cabir and remember his last idea (tantrik baba 😁😁🤭🤭)

Manik : cabir speaks to your mind to be patient, otherwise you will get beaten up by me...

Cabir made a face

Cabir : dude please listen to me

Manik : .ok tell me

Cabir : .If you wants nandini to laugh then you become a joker, if you want to cry her then become a monster.

Manik give a fake big smile

Manik : really ... Tell me one thing, where did you get this brain from..

Cabir : .That's what I've had since I was born
(Jab se main paida hua hu tab se mere pass hai)

Manik : .Kabir, if you want to go home instead of hospital, then stay silently.

Cabir : .If you say then I will become a joker

Manik : .Why do you need to be a joker, you are a joker just like that

Cabir : what..i see you a joker

Manik : mujhe nahi .. sabko hi
(Not only me...  everyone)

Cabir : yaar leave it.. seriously think about nandini..

Manik : .We are doing the same with so much patience, Kabir, but when your buck is over, then neither
(Teri bak bak band ho tab na)

Cabir : kya kare .. kya kare ..

In other side

Nyonika and raj thinking same things

Nandini : .Everyone is getting so upset because of me, they are doing something for me, they are trying to bring out my emotions.
How do I bring it.. I try but all the emotions are gone inside me
What should I do .. why should I be like this .. why you left me like this .. I become the reason for everyone's trouble even if I don't want to

Then all of a sudden Nandini starts having a lot of pain in the head and she faints.

Manik and all see her
All shocked

Manik running and come to near her and take her head in his lap

Manik : nandini wake up .. what happened you

Nyonika : .nandini beta wake up.. what happened you

Raj : .As soon as possible we should take Nandini to the hospital.. ..

All agree with raj

Manik take nandini in gir arm ..

After some time

In hospital doctors cheak nandini
(It's doctor priya)

She come out from ICU

Manik : .how is the doctor she is fine isn't she .. and how did she faint

Doctor : .Look mr. Malhotra I think Nandini's head was in pain and she feel it too and it's good sign for her but..

Manik : but ky doctor

Doctor : .We have to MRI Nandini's head as soon as possible.. Just our fears don't come true what we told you about brain clot or tumar

All are shocked

Doctor : excuse me I am coming after few minutes

She leave from their

Nyonika : .What's happening, Raj, what kind of test is he taking, God, we should be happy that Nandini felt something but.. in her brain

Raj : ha nyonika..
Brain tumar or clot it's not a small thing

Manik : .No.. No it can't happen it's not happened

Cabir : please manik sambal apne aap ko

After some time

Manik come to ICU

He sit near nandini .who was still unconscious

Manik take her hand in his hand

Manik : .Nothing will happen to you Nandini.. I will not let anything happen to you, promise I will make you a normal person... I will make your life like a heaven .. I know it's bit difficult ..but i will

He smile with tears...

At evening...

Nandini regains consciousness and she also discharged from the hospital.

They come to home

Raj and nyonika leave for most important work ..
They didn't want to go but Manik sends them

Manik : .nandini are you fine

Nandini nodes in yes

Manik : .We have to go to the hospital tomorrow, for your MRI

Nandini : ok

Suddenly rain start

Nandini come to near window

Manik notice it

Manik : .I think nandini like rain..
If I had known earlier, I would have ended all the city water.

Manik : nandini chalo mere saath
(Come with me)

Nandini : but where manik

Manik take nandini outside

both get drenched in the rain


Next chapter : manan rain romance ...

Cabir find out about riya

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