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He grabbed the knife, lightly tracing the sharp blade with his finger. The hilt of the weapon was beautiful, a rose carved across it that stood for his power. The grace of the knife matched that of a swan, yet the cruelty it had committed had given it the name of 'απάνθρωπος' (Apánthropos), which translated to 'inhuman' in greek.

He bend down to gently place it back on the table amongst other dangerous daggers, before turning around to face the wall. The room was poorly lit, just enough light to make out the furniture, yet the mysterious and dark aura of the man reflected in his room too. One would feel powerless and weak just stepping in, for it was cold and uncertain.

"Sir, we were unable to contact him, most likely we have been betrayed," A blank voice spoke up from behind him, a hidden fear underlying his emotionless mask. And who would not be afraid, standing in the same room as a man who would carve out his heart for a single wrong breath.

"I know" Was all the response he gave.

"Men are just going to remove him, it will be done by dusk."

Without turning back, he just nodded, the sly smirk only slightly visible under the shadows over his face.

"I already have a new ally, who has agreed to assist us in giving the Vianarcos what they deserve. In fact, our spy will be able to help us even more than that dirty boy.They will fall down before me, and i will take what is mine."

With that, he grabbed his favourite knife and threw it behind him, the blade slicing through the air with pure elegance and slashing the man's chest. The man's breath hitched, his eyes rolling back as he fell on his knees first, and then his face slammed on the ground.

Blood covered the floor, dripping down the blade onto the rose, painting it in the beautiful crimson colour, as it glistened under the his gaze. His eyes shined in pleasure. His body shook in laughter. His mouth etched into a natural, handsome, sly, cruel and utterly disgusting smirk.


"Taylor" Alfonio shouted from the kitchen, and i turned around to see him rushing with his shoes.

"Lets go get ice cream" He smiled, but the worry was not hidden.

I looked down at the ice cream i was holding in my hands, that had only slightly melted and looked back at him weirdly.

"We just came back?? You said you didn't want one??" My statements came out more as questions.

"Guess who is here" A voice shrieked from down the hall, and i stared in that direction in shock. What the hell was she doing here? Wha- didn't she leave like a month ago?? Charlotte??

"Taylor" Alexandre came rushing down the stairs in...panic??

"I need to talk to you about something, right now in dad's office." He grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the room.

"Taylor, ice cream"

"Levvy how are you??"

"Come on its important"

"Cant i come visit my brothers when i want"

"Taylor can you come quick we need to leave."

"I am sorry for rushing you, but i need to talk"

My head was filled with voices, everything was going past in a blur. What was happening?

"DAD" Anthony's shout from the living room stopped all of us. It was filled with terror and fear and panic.

"Dad can you breathe" He yelled.

"Dad look at me, look at me." He begged.


"Is it h-?" His best friend sat beside him, observing all his actions.

"No," he interrupted, staring at the same wall. "It is not who they will think it is, and that is why, this time i will win. They wont be able to stop me." He grinned, cruelty dripping from each word, as he finally turned away from the wall and walked out of the room, followed by his friend.

And in the painting that hung on the wall in all its glory, a girl peeked from behind the cloth cover, her hazel eyes holding peace and her smile reassuring.

But had someone looked closely enough, they would have noticed her tense shoulders, her weirdly angled hand, and her slightly furrowed brows that carried worry and disgust.


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AN; Yeah after 3 months (?) of being away...I AM BACK WITH BELLONA!

To the 3 people reading, thank you for staying as we continue with her journey. Lets hope this time, the ride is smoother than before.

Also, y'all really thought i would just copy paste the epilogue onto this?? HA, you know me at all??

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