the holy sh*t are you two sleeping together chapter

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"Honey, I'm home."

Yoon Seri enters the apartment while sorting through the mail in her hands. "I ran into Mrs. Park in the lobby, and she told me that we need to RSVP to her daughter's wedding invitation as soon as possible. I think Soo-mi has officially transformed into bridezilla. And I have an appointment with the eye doctor later this afternoon. Can you go with me? My right eye has been killing me..."

She trails off when she looks up to find Ri Jeong Hyeok pulling his pants up and some woman picking up her discarded clothes on the floor with nothing but a sheet on. The sight too inconceivable that it takes her a second too long to remember what she wanted to say. "What - what is the meaning of this?" she asks with her voice breaking with emotion. "Jeong Hyeok?"

"I - I am so sorry," the woman stammers, flustered and confused, with her cheeks flaming and her sheet falling. She grabs it just in time before her breasts got exposed. "I didn't know. I didn't know that he had someone - are you his wife? Oh, God. I am so sorry. That doesn't matter. He - he didn't say that he had a woman in his life. If I had known, I would never -."

"Five years," Seri interrupts her ramblings while Jeong Hyeok keeps his head down. "I spent five years of my life in this goddamn relationship and you just cheat on me? I could have gotten myself a better man. I could be married with kids and a fucking dog at this point. But, no. I loved you. I waited for you to propose. Where is the fucking knife? I need to chop that penis off."

"Seri, please let me explain," Jeong Hyeok begs, watching the woman try to put her clothes on with little success. "This is just a one time thing. I promise you that it will never happen again."

"I had breast implants for you! I had ass implants for you!" Seri lists off with her fingers in a rage. "All because you said that you are both a boobs and an ass man, and I wanted to make you happy. Well, look where that got me? I still need to go back to that pervert of a specialist every now and then because the doctors did a botched-up job, and I am ruined. My body is ruined. You ruined me, Ri Jeong Hyeok!"

Her screech was punctuated with a panicked squeak, hurried footsteps, and a slammed door, indicating that their guest had given up trying to look decent and just ran out to leave the warzone. They wait until there are no more sounds coming from the hallway before Seri proceeds to wipe the fake tears on her cheeks while her neighbor succumbs to his laughter.

"Both a boobs and an ass man?" Jeong Hyeok repeats. "Where the hell do you get your ideas?"

Seri waves her hand. "I got into the character of a desperate woman. Anything is possible," she answers him before lifting her chin up to let him see the mess that was her right eye. "Though, I really do have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Can you go with me? Can you see how red my eye is? It's disgusting, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I am not going near that," Jeong Hyeok says before putting his shirt on and heading towards the kitchen. "And, sure, I have nothing planned this afternoon. I can go with you to get that checked out. Consider it my thank you for saving my ass. The chopping my penis off bit was too much in my opinion, but I loved the crying part. You should be in show business."

"If I become an actress, the whole country won't be able to handle my talent, so I have decided to spare everyone the trouble," she shoots back while climbing up on one of the kitchen stools. She watches him pull out ingredients for a breakfast of pancakes and grins excitedly. Clearing her throat, she rests her elbows on the counter and cups her chin with her hands. "So, tell me."

He pulls out a bowl and a whisk and uses his hip to close the cabinet. "Tell you what?"

She gives him an incredulous look. "Uh, hello? Since when do you do one-night stands? When I got your SOS message, I just assumed that it was your mother who ambushed you early in the morning, and you needed help pretending you have a girlfriend that gets you laid every now and then. But, apparently, you no longer need me for that, Mr. Hotshot."

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