Pt 2!!!!!!

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"Omg she did not!!!!!" Isla one of my closest friends whisper shouted as Yvie stood talking to him... HIM!!

"I know rightttt!" Lilia, Gracie and Ava chimed in.

"Omg, omg, omg, what am I gonna do?!?" I asked them hopelessly.

"That girl over there, the tall brunette who wears glasses, yeah her... she has a major crush on you." As I heard Yvie say that to Joseph, my heart sunk but yet my stomach did summer salts.

"Her?" I heard a masculine voice say while pointing at me. Although I had a major crush on him for almost a year I had never heard him speak. Don't get me wrong he was dashingly handsome but yet quiet when near 3 or more people.

His POV:

"Her?" I asked this weirdly tall year 7 while pointing at a cute brunette who, as far as I could tell, was blushing so much people might think she had a skin condition.

"Yes...her. Her name's Harriet," the girl chirped back,"anyways I gotta go.... See ya." And with that she was gone.

"You know her?" Reese chirped up, referring to the so called 'Harriet'.

"No but I've seen her around school. We'll see her when we transition from history to geog." I replied simply hoping to get off topic slightly but it didn't work.
"Do u think she's nice?"
"Do you think she really likes you?"
"Do you know her more?"
Do you think she's fit?"

It's gonna be a loooong afternoon.


Yvie walked back over smirking. Oh how I would love to punch her right in the face but I kept my hands to myself.

"What did ya say?" Isla asked inquisitively.

"Nothin' much," I could tell she wanted to wind me up and it was working.

"Anyway how about a change of topic-" Ava began her sentence bit wasn't able to finish it.

"Hey still swooning over my cousin??" Sam. Why did he have to be here now of all times?!? Me and him dated for around three to four days a few months back but we are still really great friends but still I knew he was still hung up on me. Whenever I'm near Joseph and Sam, he always starts to tease me about him.

I wanted to get back at him so I replied simply,"Hey still swooning over me??" His face turned from smirks and smiles to disgust and anger. He knew I would always have something to say back so he kept quiet.
"That's what I thought."

Oh god...... that sucked ass.If you read through that entire thing without cringing then you are a literal god/goddess.

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