chapter 7

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after the incident of the dojo jason was walking with tatsuya and eve with saya on her arms

jason:soo that is the new method of cast jammir right?


eve:interesting way i say

tatsuya:olso eve what you search

eve was use the holo screen

eve:i want to dig up about the guy i see an the dojo he was paid too much attetion to you i presumi you cast jammir

tatsuya:what you find

eve:well his name kamono kinoe and guess what i found


eve:his real name is Tsukasa Kinoe

jason:wait tsukasa that is

tatsuya:the blanche leader last name 

jason:soo his brother is inbolde

eve:step brother

jason:well guess we find one of the agents

tatsuya:what is you plan

jason:i was think of join the kendo club and i think i find my ticket to enter

eve:you mean mibu sayaka

jason:yeah she was suprise by my sword skill soo i bet she will ask me to 


jason:yeah and olso elsword,elesis and raven are gonnad been there soo it help as well and

eve:jason you hand

they look to see jason's hand have red and black lightnight

they look to see jason's hand have red and black lightnight

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jason and eve:{antithese code}

jason focus as the lightnight fade away

tatsuya:jason is you magic an check

jason:yeah it should odd it happen


tatsuya:what magic was that the magic sequence is very erratic



they turn to see an girl

they turn to see an girl

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