Ripped apart pt.1

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⚠TW: domestic abuse, sexual abuse,knifes, cutting, mentions of blood⚠

"I love you three thousand" I said as we hooked our pinkies together in a pinkie promise and we kissed our hands. "I love you three thousand" he said as his mom came over yelling at him and pulling his hand. "No I'm not done saying goodbye!" I say running after him and his mom, "Come here you little shit!" I hear my dad scream behind me. I was determined to get to him but his mom threw him in the car and they were gone. He was gone.

"You fucking idiot! What the fuck were you thinking? this was my only chance! And you fucking ruined it!" My dad screamed at me dragging me by my arm back to my prison. I didn't say anything as he slammed the door behind us throwing me on the ground. I didn't shed a tear as my dad began striking me with whatever he had, hands, feet, wooden chairs, knives. Then it all went black.

Unknown P.O.V

Shit shit shit shit! I was going to be late, I thought as i tugged my trousers on, grabbing my backpack and rushing down the stairs. "Did you seriously just wake up?" my mom asked me as i rushed to put my shoes on, "I've got no time mom see you after school!" I said running out the door not wanting to be any later than I already was.

"Last minute again George?" my teacher asked as I opened the classroom door out of breath. "Sorry" I said out of breath heading to my seat. I could hear snickers as I sat down getting out my notebook. I took my notes and eventually the bell rang and i shoved my notebook away and rushed out the room to my next class.


I rushed out of my last class of the day as soon as I hear the bell rings heading for the doorwhen I run into something and suddenly im on the ground. I rub my head as i hear a groan come from in front of me. I look up and see a person with sandy blonde hair on the ground clutching his head. " Oh my god I am so so sorry!" i panic scrambling to get up and help him up. "Its ok I should have payed attention to where I was going." He said taking my outstretched hand and standing up.

It was like someone punched me in the stomach, all the air in my lungs flew out as I saw the boys face. It was perfect his angled jaw, his green eyes I could stare into all day, his eyebrows, the way his hair fell over his forehead, and god oh my god his lips looking so plump I almost lost control and kissed him right there. There was also a sense of familiarity I couldnt quite place.

"Thank you for helping me up, I should get going" I was snapped out of my thoughts, "Wait!" I said trailing after him, "Where are you headed? I could walk with you" I suggested, and insted of slowing down he sped up "I'm sorry, I am grateful for you helping me up but I really do have to go."

"Hey look who it is" I heard Quackity snicker. My head filled with fear and I decided to let the boy from before go.

"What's wrong faggot stuck in your tracks?"

"I think he's scared of us Quackity"

So he brought the whole gang I thought. "So you going after that weird kid now?" Fundy said grabbing my shoulder. It took everything in me to not flinch at his touch.

"I think he's desperate." I heard Quackity say grabbing my other shoulder. "Hmm maybe we need to teach him a lesson." Wilbur snickered grabbing the back of my neck.

"Is there a problem here boys?" Thank God! It was a teacher! "Not at all Fundy and Quackity say taking their hands off me.

"Wilbur is there a problem?" Wilbur tightens his grips on my neck, "Not at all" he says and finally let's go.

"Good not leave George alone and scurry off home"

Wilbur leaned close to me "Next time faggot. Next time." And then they all walked away.

I turned to see the mysterious teacher who saved me, but nobody was there. I checked my watch and by golly shits I was gonna be late for dinner!

I sprinted out of that school so fast, I wonder where that boy lives I thought as I ran home.

The Boy with Green eyes P.O.V

I turned the corner to my house making as little noise as possible. I looked around and didn't see my dad's car, so I assumed that he wasn't home.

I went through the door and to my surprise the house was actually tidy. "Hello?" I heard a feminine voice call. Who the hell was this? I thought as I climbed the stairs silently up to my room.

I slipped into my room and shut the door as quietly as it would, I opened the closet and climbed on the top shelf scooting boxes in front of me so I was hidden.

The footsteps came up the stairs, but they weren't heavy they were light. So it must have been that voice I heard.

"Hello?" I heard her say. Then my room door opened. I silenced my breathing, nobody would find me.

"Hello?" I heard the voice again. I could hear her walking around my room, she stopped in front of the bed and looked under it, I could hear the shift of her clothing as she got back up and walked to the closet.

The closet opened and I could hear her breathing and how fast it was. She must be scared I thought almost laughing at her for it.

I heard the door to the house slam shut, he's home I thought. I heard the woman quickly shift her head and mutter a shit before she shut the door to the closet and quickly fled down the stairs.

I could hear my father walking downstairs most likely searching for this woman.

"Henry" the woman called, "There you are darling" my father said.

"Where were you?" He asked "Oh I was upstairs I thought I heard someone go into that bedroom up there and I was getting scared because I couldn't find anyone."

"We're the only ones here so I have no idea my love" my father said.

Then the door to his room shut and I couldn't hear the conversation anymore.

Shit I thought to myself as I slowly drifted to sleep, he's not gonna be happy later.

AN: so like I'm gonna do a part two don't worry, um it been a while lol. Hi hilope it doing well and see u when part two is done.

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