just a friend..

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Traktorius POV:

My friend is part of the lgbt? Lmao what a fag. He aint my friend now, I don't need a friend who's gay pft.

But why does my heart starts beating faster when he walks past me? why do I blush slightly when we talk?

What the fuck am I thinking?! He's a guy and I don't like guys! I'm straight!

But the way that his hair bounces when he walks, the way his green emerald(?kokios jo akys??) Eyes shine through his mask, his gorgeous smile...
He's so goddammit beautiful but here
I am denying everything cause I can't just support him!

I wouldn't be the the cool class clown then... I'd be the GAY class clown!

Such humiliation...Why can't we be lovers? Why do we have to be....just friends?...

The world sure is cruel to simple people like me...

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