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Daktaro POV

He's just my best friend, but why do I get these butterflies when I'm around him?... Yea we get drunk with the boys  every weekend but his vibe...It just fits me. We always play volleyball together and his passes are the best, even Eglius passes are worse... Yea he can be offensive but still, I.... like him?...
    "Are you there?"
Traktorius asks me. Fuck. Was I day dreaming just now?about him?! What the fuck is wrong with me...
    "Yea sorry I was just counting the words"
I say, he probably won't believe my shitty excuse fuc-
    "it's alright,anyways what did you write about?"
Maybe I was wrong about him, he's dumb as fuck, but that's whats so attractive about him...
The girls POV

"How loud is he fucking counting?.."
Vynas  whispers to Gelei and Dangui
"I don't know but I just lost my count of words"
Gelei whispers back

No one's POV
"what's the word for ____?" Gandonas asks the girls.
"Just look at the book like terrifying... Maybe not that but something like that.." Answers Dangus
Vynas and Gele start laughing, Dangus realizing what she just said couldn't stop herself and started laughing too.

English class will always be the best.


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