He didn't say anything, he looked so serious with those sunglasses. Then he opened his arms and took me into a hug.
"Olli has had a tough week." He whispered and it made me confused. As we pulled apart, I watched him frowning.
"I just give you an advice. Please save that man." He continued whispering and I was even more confused. Then everyone started to pack the van, and I only stood further away, thinking about Tommi's words.
I'm only sure that the reason for Olli's tough week has been that blonde bitch who shares the apartment with him.
I have thought of telling him about the poem.. would it change anything? I'm scared it would destroy everything between us. But I want to expose Emilia, I want her to feel the same pain I went through.
Olli deserves to know which kind of witch he's with.

We were driving to Seinäjoki, and the journey felt like forever. I was getting tired, and my eyes didn't want to stay open. I was sitting next to Olli, and he saw how I was falling asleep, but fighting against it.
"You can sleep, we have one hour left." Olli said to me.
"Lean on me." He continued as he put his arm around me, I smiled very little bit, because I didn't want to show my true emotions right now. My heart was jumping around and it made butterflies to my stomach. This man is pure gold, and he has always been. So I leaned against him, and I fell asleep right away.

"Eevi..." I heard Olli's voice next to my ear, slowly I started to wake up and I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was his smiling face.
"Slept good?" He asked gently as we started to get out of the van.
"Yeah, always when I'm next to you." I smiled and he chuckled. As I stepped out of the van, I streched my arms and everyone else did that too.
"Let's go, we start soundcheck soon." Santeri came from somewhere and we all followed him to the backstage.

Show was starting, I heard screaming and cheering, it made me smile again. First Tommi and Aleksi went to the stage, and the whole audience went crazy. I looked Joonas and Olli as they started to walk to the stage too. But before that Olli looked me straight into my eyes, he smirked and winked. I think it made me blush, and I must looked stupid as I let out a small giggle and covered my mouth with my hand. Olli saw my reaction and he only smirked even more as he disappeared to the stage.
Joel and Niko went then, and I saw how Joel looked me strangely. I decided to ignore that and I enjoyed the music once again.

"What a show! Now let's drink!" Niko shouted as they walked back to the backstage. I took a long sip of my beer, at the same time Olli took his shirt off in front of me and I almost choked to my drink. I coughed a couple times and of course Olli saw and heard that.
"Don't choke." He grinned to me and went to get his beer. I froze for a moment.
"Our Julia over here is blushing, am I that hot?" Joonas walked up to me grinning, and he has takenhis jacket off too.
"Julia? And I'm not blushing." I frowned, he took a sip of his beer and he looked amused.
"Yeah, you know, Romeo and Julia. But who would be your romeo?" He looked around grinning.
"Well not you." I grunted and Joonas watched me suprised, and acting a bit injured.
"You sure? You will loss an amazing man." He winked and I only rolled my eyes amused.

"No but serious, over there is two men for you. Which one will you take?" He whispered and pointed to the right direction with his hand where he hold his beer.
I saw Joel and Olli talking to each other, and laughing.
"What?" I asked confused and watched Joonas a bit serious. He just nodded.
"I know this situation too well. Joel likes you, he has told me that. And Olli.. well I don't know about him but he definitely needs something else to think about." He explained, still whispering.
"Besides you just don't take anyone. We're all humans after all with feelings and so on." I said serious and I took a long sip of my beer again.
"Exactly. Feelings.. which one your feelings would like to have..?" He came closer and stood next to me, as we both stared Olli and Joel.
"I think you know the answer." I quietly said as I watched his blue eyes. He raised his eyebrows.
"Then act." He smirked and patted my shoulder as he walked away. I just stood there, looking stupid and a bit stunned because of the conversation we just had.

We kept drinking, and we all were a bit drunk by now, it was getting late as well. I walked to a table where was few beers, and I took a new one as my latest bottle was empty already. My steps were getting clumsier and the world spinned around me.
"Hello beautiful." I heard someone's voice behind me, and not someone's, it was Olli. I turned around and leaned against the table with my hand little bit as I stood.
"Hi." I smiled to him and opened my beer.
"Do you come here often? Haven't seen you around." He then asked grinning as he stood very close to me, leaning against the table with his hand too.
I started laughing and he chuckled too.
"That was very bad one." I admitted chuckling.
"What? Really? I thought I was smooth." He acted suprised as he smirked.
"You have to practise that. But well, if I'm complete honest, only your gaze can let women fall for you." I looked the others as I smiled. Then we were silent, and I felt how he kept staring me. I felt nervous.
How? He has stared me multiply times, we know each other completely. We have slept together, shared the same bed. We have hold hands.

Slowly I turned my head to him, and I was right. He kept staring at me, with a small smile. 
"Let's go." He then said and took my hand. I was confused first, but I followed him.
We walked out of the backstage area, and he sat on the ground as he leaned against the fence. I then took little support from it and sat next to him.
"Look." He said, I turned my eyes on him and he watched to the sky. I changed my gaze in the sky too. There were multiply stars above us, it looked so beautiful.
"I have always loved stars." I said daydreaming.
"I know." He replied, I then looked him for a moment and our eyes met again. He smiled and turned his gaze back to the sky.
I kept staring at him. I was feeling nervous. Very nervous. The world spinned around me, but now it felt like it spinned around us.
There was only us.
Okay Eevi, now is your moment. Say it. Fucking say it. Let it out, don't hesitate now. Remember what Tommi said, save that man. And I have to tell him the truth.
Now or never.

I opened my mouth, and my hands were shaking.

"From your eyes I can see the starry sky bright,
A sky that is bright and dark.
But I see it bright every time I think of you,
Stays dark when I'm alone.
But when you are here, I feel it turn bright.
The stars are shining,
They resemble your eyes.
Eyes I fell in love with,
And I will always love."

He turned his gaze right away to me when I started talking. He looked suprised, confused.
Then there was silence, we both only stared each other. I felt how tears started to fill my eyes, and Olli looked so confused.
"That poem..." He then said, his voice was weak.

"It's the one I wrote to you ten years ago. I put it between your books covers." My voice was shaking as I talked, and few drops of tears fell down from my eyes. His mouth was a bit open, he couldn't say anything.
"But.. how.. Emilia..." He tried to made an sentence but couldn't. I saw he was confused, lost. I felt bad.
"She lied to you." I told him, and wiped some of my tears away from my cheeks.
Our moment was ruined by Santeri, who searched us.
"Okay guys, now let's go to the hotel. Eevi, you share your room with Niko." He explained and clapped his hands twice, as a sign for us to get up. So we did, and I wiped my all tears away by now.
"Let's go!" Niko then came to is complete drunk, and he placed his hand around mh shoulders and started to walk. I looked Olli once more, he looked so lost, and he didn't even look me back.
I understood him, this is a huge thing to think.
But now I'm most scared of the fact that he would hate me, because I didn't told him earlier.
Now I hate myself, but I feel a huge relief in my body.
And in my mind.

Good job Eevi, finally you opened your mouth!
My inspiration has been lost a couple days, but now I have new energy!
Thank you so much for reading this story, I can't believe how many readers is out there!
I'm also very thankful for all of your comments and votes <3
Stay safe and strong🖤

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