23rd of January 2022

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So not a lot and a lot has happened. So my friend came round on Friday, it's really nice to be able to spend some time with them, for once. We just hanged out. My mum took her home just before dinner. At dinner I found out my great - grandad had died. I didn't know him so it hasn't really effected me, but my mum has like "eat some salad, also we're going to go round grandma's tomorrow, her dad's dead." We went to a really good cake shop on the way and I got a slice of this cookie pie, with M 'n' Ms in. It was really good. Also found out that my Grandad's brother died that week. So my mum's family haven't had a good time.

Didn't really do much else, caught up on homework and watched a couple of films; The Hunger Games films are really good, especially Moackingjay pt1, however the second part isn't on Netflix. I also watched Divergent, and absolutely love it! 

Apparat from that, not much else happened. On Friday the sane girl whose been giving me trouble got upset because I was 'looking at her out of the corner of my eye again.' ffs. She seemed a bit annoyed where I ignored her. Also got outted in maths, but my maths teacher was really supportive. I need to talk to my HoY about getting it changed on the system though, it hasn't happened yet, which is weird. 

So yeah, pretty uneventful. My great-grandads funeral was yesterday, couldn't go as it was out in Singapore (where my gran's from). My grandparents didn't seem to bothered though, they were on holiday and were celebrating my grandad's hidden talent for archery. My great-Uncle (who I've never met)'s funeral is in March. 

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