"Hi again...so I am out having my lunch right now,I am done with my work and I will go for some shopping after lunch,then I should get Bam and then we will go home together.

So I am having some chicken here...some salad with soda pop and this small dessert, it's so delicious!
Everyone remember to eat well...eating well is important,there are sometimes I read your comments and there are lots of things about this matter like some of you skip eating so you can lose weight and look better...but lilis you should not do this, it's totally wrong,you have to make sure to eat enough and exercise more,so promise hmm?
Eat well!

Oh do you like ASMR?
Jungkook somehow like this...but I don't know it's sometimes good and it's sometimes so annoying

Oh Jungkook massaged me...
'did you eat your lunch? don't forget and skip it'
Hehe...look who is saying!
I am sure he is working now and if I don't call him,he will not eat so I will first take a picture of my lunch...

Send it...there
Now I will call him... should I put it on speaker?


"Mm are you eating?"

"Oh I am eating,what about you?"

"I still have something to do and after that I will see"

"Why is that I should eat my lunch on time even if I have work but you will see!?"

"Because you are important"

"You...are you telling me that you are not important?!
Jeon Jungkook!you will call yoongi to buy you your lunch right now or you can sleep on couch tonight!"


"Did you hear me?
Nevermind call him right now I want to hear it"






Yes sir?

Buy me some lunch right away and send it to my office.

Right away sir.


There now I still can sleep with you?"

"Mm you can...then I am going to continue eating,you better eat...you know I will find out if you don't"


"Take care...and oh I will get Bam"

"Ok,be careful"

"Ne love you"

"Mm me too"

"Lilis I am here at mall right now...I still have 30 minutes till getting bam.

I don't need so many things just some normal staff..."

"Ok we are here at Bam's training camp... let's get him I missed him so much


"Hi Ms Manoban...you are here for Bam right?"

"Yes I am here to bring him back home"

"Ne I will get him..."


"Bam~good boy come here...
Ah my good boy,did you have good time?
Let's go home...daddy will come home soon...

Thank you miss Kim"

"We are back home~
Ah I am tired...lilis I will go and take a shower and be back soon to make dinner
See you~"

"Welcome back again here at kitchen...I wanna make dinner right now.
I am going to make some noddle soup with grilled pork chops and some salad.

When I was younger I really hated cooking like I would always ask myself why should I cook?
Because my mother would always do the cooking and she hated us touching her staff in her kitchen...

But when I moved to live with Jungkook I volunteered to learn cooking... because we both need to eat and also I don't know I really enjoy cooking for him by myself
I really love it actually, that's how I know how to cook...

And this food is not so hard to make also... nodded soup is really easy I think everyone can do it...as for pork and ham slices you need to add some salt and pepper and chili for sure...kimchi would be also good...
As for salad is also very easy for sure..."
Video went on×2

"Lilis I finished cooking but Jungkook is still not here so I want to play with my baby
Bam...bam come here to mommy...

Bam sit...down...
Hand... right one....roll...bam bam pshhhhhh hahahah....
Good boy here...wait...wait....

Good boy my baby!
Eat now...eat...
Good boy~

Lilis he is so good isn't he?"

"I am home"
Just then Jungkook voice came

Lisa standed up from ground and bam also leaved his food and ran to Jungkook

"Good boy were you waiting for daddy..."
Jungkook caressed his head

"Welcome back...go fresh up,dinner is ready"
Lisa smiled at him
Jungkook went to her and hugged her waist then kissed her lips

Lisa soon pushed him
"Go dinner will get cold...after dinner we can continue"
Jungkook smiled and went upstairs

Lisa looked at Bam who was eating his food and went to kitchen to set the table

Soon they sat down and start eating
"It's so delicious Lili...thank you"

"Mm eat well..."
Lisa smiled and nodded

"Welcome back again...well I am going to sleep but before that I am going to do my night routine and since I promised you guys I am filming it.

So first if all washing my face with this night face skin care...


Then this vitamin cream...so it will be soft and then moisture cream

Don't forget to brush your teeth!

And that's it...I am going to sleep I am really tired"
Lisa went out of bathroom and saw bam

"Bam house....house go to sleep.

Lilis I am also going to sleep thank you for watching this vlog...I know it was so long but I hope you enjoyed it!
See you next time!"

Lisa turned camera off and climbed on bed
Jungkook was still using his phone
"Jungkook... let's sleep"
Jungkook looked at her and nodded he out away his phone and hugged her

But then he turned her around and kissed her lips hard and long

After minutes finally he let go
"Eh...what are you doing!"
Lisa was breathless
"You said we will continue before dinner...such a piti that bam is here sleeping"

"Jeon Jungkook!!"

Jungkook chuckled and hugged her and they slept well together

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