Starfire gasped.  "We must help him!" she exclaimed. Robin looked at her helplessly.  "How?" he asked. "We've tried tofu and Mega Monkey's. What else is there?" Starfire considered this for a moment and then sighed. "I do not know friend," she admitted. "Perhaps I could merely speak with him."

"I don't think that that's going to work Starfire," Robin replied.  "Well, I still wish to try," she informed him, and floated towards the door, and out into the hallway.  "I hope B.B. listens," Cyborg muttered. Robin nodded.

- Scene Break -

Starfire floated towards the hospital wing. She turned the corner and nearly collided with Beast Boy.  "Forgive me friend," she apologized. "I did not see you."

"It's okay Star," Beast Boy assured her. There was dullness to his voice that scared the alien."You are coming to play the Mega Monkey's?" she asked hopefully. Beast Boy shook his head. "Then what..."  "Bathroom," Beast Boy cut her off. Starfire watched as he limped his way down the hall. His shoulders were drooped, as were his ears.

He looked so small somehow in his torn costume. She hovered there until he came back out.  "Will you at least change your costume friend?" she inquired. Beast Boy shook his head, and limped back into the hospital wing.

Starfire followed him. She floated into the hospital wing and watched as Beast Boy sat down next to Raven. The tray of food was still untouched.

Starfire sighed and exited.Beast Boy heard the door shut. He wished the other Titans would just leave him alone. He knew that they were concerned about him, but he just wanted to be alone. He didn't want to eat, or sleep, or do anything.

All he wanted to do was sit with Raven until she woke up. Darkness crept into the wing once more, but Beast Boy refused to close his eyes. He wanted to be there when Raven woke up. He wanted to be the first one to see her beautiful dark eyes open.

His train of thought startled him. He gazed at Raven. She looked almost peaceful lying there with the moonlight cascading over her grey skin.

Beast Boy traced that patterns that the moon cast on Raven with his eyes. The pattern swept down over Raven's face, across her slender neck, down onto her chest, past her collarbone and onto the torn remnants of Raven's leotard. Beast Boy tore his eyes away and felt his cheeks begin to burn slightly.

He had no business looking at her like that. Especially since she was unconscious.

- Scene Break -

"Best of three," Robin pleaded. Cyborg sighed.  "Come on man, you lost fair and square," he rolled his human eye at the Boy Wonder.  "Best of three," Robin repeated. Cyborg sighed again, and held out his fist. Robin did the same. The two Titans proceeded to do rock-paper-scissors. 

Cyborg's paper covered Robin's rock. Robin groaned. "I was the first one to go." He complained.  "Star and I went the day after," Cyborg replied.  "I went again the next day," Robin pointed out.  "I went the day after," said Cyborg. "Then Star went the next day."

"I went the day after that," Robin argued.  "I went the day after you did," Cyborg argued. "And Star went the day after me."

"Well I went the day after she went," Robin muttered. "Star went the day after you," Cyborg reminded. "And I went the day after her."

Love Hurts (first in Destiny series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ