15) The Kiss

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Robin stared up at the ceiling of his room. He glanced over at his clock. There were only a few hours left until dawn, and he hadn't gotten any sleep. Robin groaned, and sat up. There wasn't any point in lying there doing nothing.

He got out of bed, exited his room, and made his way to the Titan living room. "Friend, you are also unable to catch the z's?" Starfire asked him as he entered the room. Robin shook his head. "You are also concerned for the health of our friends?"

Robin nodded again."I wasn't as worried about Beast Boy," Robin admitted. "But after what I saw yesterday, I got concerned." Starfire frowned. "Something is wrong with Beast Boy?" she asked. "Has he received sickness?"

Robin shook his head."No, he's not sick Starfire," Robin replied. "But..." He was interrupted by the door opening. "Y'all can't sleep either?" Cyborg asked. Starfire and Robin nodded glumly. Cyborg yawned.

"Robin says that there is something wrong with friend Beast Boy," Starfire informed the robotic Titan. Cyborg looked at Robin in alarm. "Did something happen to him?" he asked. Robin shook his head again.

"He just seemed kind of distant when I brought him his food yesterday," Robin replied. "He said he didn't want to eat anything." Cyborg frowned. Silence descended upon the living room.

"I got it!" Cyborg replied triumphantly. "B.B. has been dying to play the new Mega Monkey's game with me. That ought to snap him out of it."

"I hope that you're right," Robin replied softly.

- Scene Break -

Beast Boy shifted in his chair. His backside had fallen asleep. Gently, he laid Raven's hand back down on the bed. Then he groaned, and stood up. He stretched, and smacked his backside in an attempt to wake it back up. He winced as the pins-and-needles feeling replaced the numbness. 

Beast Boy sat back down, and dutifully took Raven's hand back into his own. His sensitive hearing caught the sound of the door opening. Beast Boy didn't even turn to see who was at the door. "Hey B.B." Cyborg called cheerfully. "Hey Cy," Beast Boy replied dully. Cyborg was taken aback by Beast Boy's tone.

"I'm just about to break in the new Mega Monkey's game!" the robotic Titan said tantalizingly. Beast Boy didn't respond. "You know you want to play it!" Cyborg encouraged. "No thanks Cy," Beast Boy replied in the same dull tone.

"Aw come on B.B." Cyborg whined. "I'll go easy on you."

"I said no," Beast Boy yelled. Cyborg took a few steps backwards in surprise.  "Okay man," Cyborg held up his hands in defeat. "Don't bite my head off." Beast Boy didn't turn around. Cyborg sighed, and spotted the tray that Robin had brought in for Beast Boy.

It was untouched. "At least eat something okay man?" He encouraged. Beast Boy didn't respond. Heaving a heavy sigh, Cyborg exited the hospital wing.

- Scene Break -

Robin and Starfire looked up as the door to the living room opened. Cyborg's powerful frame shuffled in. His shoulders were drooped.  "Didn't take the bait?" Robin asked. Cyborg shook his head. Robin frowned.   "This isn't good."

"He's not eating either," Cyborg informed the Boy Wonder. Robin ran his turquoise-gloved hand through his spiky jet-black hair.   "Perhaps I might be of assistance?" Starfire inquired.  "I don't know Star," Cyborg replied. "B.B. didn't even react when I told him I was going to play the new Mega Monkey's game. It's like part of him has died."

Love Hurts (first in Destiny series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن