The Last Day

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I can't wait to finally go to the forest! I better go say bye to my Mom and get my sister because she coming along with us. Also my dad is coming so I'm waiting for him, I better go get Olivia right now.

"Olivia are you almost ready to go",I yelled                                                                                                          

"Yes", Olivia said                                                                                                                                                                      

I ran and went to put my shoes on. I grab all my stuff for the forest. We are moving in a couple days close to the forest, but I don't know where yet. So I have 3 bags with me. We also have a lot of food because we are going to see this magic house in the forest. Also, a mini village is there. So we might have a look at that also.                                                                                                                            

"Ever one hop in the car it time to take off to magic land",My dad yelled                                                       

We got in the car and I could feel the magic coming. The drive to the forest was about let's say 5 Hour's it was so long. When we got there it was so magical. There were so many villages we could tour. When we got there and a really pretty wolf was looking at me. I was a little creeped out. We saw there was no one living in the amazing magic house so we went to camp out there. Of course I love going to look at different places so I went on a walk around the villages.

"Bye Dad, Bye Olivia" I said

"Wait Lily, Wait..... we need to leave right now", My dad said in the background

I did not know what he was saying so I just kept walking. I was 14 so I had a phone so I can call anyone I need I was walking back to the magic house and did not see my dad car. I ran back to the magic house and they were not there. I had no Idea what to do. I don't know if I should call them. But I look at my phone... it said "I'm so sorry Lily we needed to go home there was a problem. We are on a plane to LA right now. Mom was there waiting for us. Something happened in are town. I hope we see you one day", Love dad. That was the worst day of my life knowing that my family just left me. At least I have all my sis clothing we are the same size, also all of my clothing. My dad left $950,000 for me to live with. I hope I see them soon. Now I need to go find that wolf. I can also live in the Magic house....... To be continued 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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