together till the end

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to burn with desire and

keep quiet about it

is the greatest punishment

we can bring on ourselves.❞

⎯⎯⎯ unknown


Draco Malfoy of all people, Elizabeth? He's the enemy! Do you remember everything he's done to us? He's not a good person, El. He's evil. His father is a Death Eater - he works for the man who killed your brother!

Don't you think I know that, Harry? I am well aware that Cedric died at the hands of Voldemort because you constantly remind me. I needed you when I was grieving - but you weren't there. Neither was Ron, Hermione, or Ginny. Draco Malfoy of all people was there for me.

You don't know what you're talking about, El. H-he's put you under a spell or something-

I love him, Harry! Can't you see that?

a snippet between Elizabeth Diggory and Harry Potter


 WE CRAVE TRAGEDY BECAUSE IT IS IN OUR HUMAN NATURE. The same nature that the ocean craves the earth, a fire craves destruction, and the stars crave the night sky.

A tragedy is something we cannot have and as human nature is - we are creatures of greed. We will pursue this forbidden desire the way Romeo and Juliet pursued each other. We will chase this path the way that Icarus flew too close to the sun. We will fight against death itself the way that Orpheus tried to bring back Eurydice from the dead. We will turn against each other the way Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss - as it is our human nature.

Tragedy reminds us that we hold no higher power. We are neither saints or gods in this world. We are simply humans and forever will be.

If one craves to obtain a tragedy for eternity, the price to be paid is only through death.

As it was in death that Romeo and Juliet killed themselves for forbidden love. The way Icarus plummeted to the Earth, the way Eurydice's soul was forever doomed in the Underworld, and the way a kiss - so intimate and beautiful led Jesus to the cross.

Some things were not meant to be and who are we to defy fate?

Together Till The End ➣ D.MWhere stories live. Discover now