Chapter IX

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Chapter 9:-

"You never mentioned you were the King of all this!"

"You never asked."

"So you just chose to evade that fact because I didn't ask?" I ask, my tone dropping to a lower octave.

"That is how a conversation works darling, I didn't evade anything." Hendrix replies, amused.

"You can't deem for something like that to be irrelevant so easily." I speak, irritated. "Not after I've constantly seen visions of it, and been warned against it."

"You've been seeing visions." His voice turned serious. "About what?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I deem it not be relevant enough for this conversation." I scoff childishly.

After a few seconds of silence, I lean back on my seat, my hands covering my face trying to take the information in.
I understand I was being rash and childish right now, but I couldn't help it.
The murder. The King. The prophecy. The visions.
They're all connected.
But how.
Could he be behind the murder? Or was he related to the killer? But still.. It doesn't feel right.

"I'm going to lose my mind." I mumble.

"How about you lose your mind after you move a little over there." Alex's voice spoke up, gesturing to another spot.

I retract my hands away from my face to glare at him.

"What? That's my favorite spot you're sitting on." He shrugs, holding a bag of chips.

I looked besides me again, only to realize Hendrix's gaze was still on me.
I can tell he's curious about the visions I accidentally mentioned.
He's almost always in my visions.
But if he's this curious, it could mean he might really know something after all.

"The visions I see. They're dreams about this repeated prophecy." I answer

I carefully analyzed Hendrix's Expression, he didn't seem surprised, his face still remained stoic.
I expected such a reaction, after all, in most of my repeated visions, I would always see a person speaking of a prophecy to the king.
The hair with the color of fall?
Would it be to far of a stretch if I assumed, that the girl mentioned in the prophecy was me?
  Otherwise how else would all this be connected?
Or why else would I keep hearing of the prophecy in my dreams?

I was cut off from my train of thoughts, when Hendrix had turned his seated upper body in my direction, he rests his head on top of his fisted hand, head tilted to the side, hair scattered on his forehead.

"Penny for your thoughts, perhaps?" He asks.

I stared wide eyed at him, blinking quickly several times before shaking my head back to reality.
"Don't you have Duties to tend to, your highness?" I respond, feeling flustered, avoiding eye contact.

I suppose he did have Duties to tend to, because that was two weeks ago.
I never got to see him again after that.

My hands shook from the cold as I held the cup of coffee in my hands.
A frown on my face.

This coffee is honestly the only reason my mood isn't at bad as it should be.
I come to a coffee store located at the End of the street because its the only coffee I actually like around here.

It was already dark outside And getting even more chillier than it already was.
My phone buzzed like crazy, but I had chosen to ignore it for the past five minutes, hoping I could get to enjoy my coffee in the mean time.
But the buzzing and the notifications never stopped, so heaving a sigh, I finally finally picked it up.
Seeing several texts pop up on my screen.

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