12) Beast Boy Falls

Start from the beginning

"Enough," he heard Robin practically scream. He turned and watched as the Titan's leader unsuccessfully tried to fight with Terra. His attacks were sloppy now because he was angry.

"I've at least come to grips with the fact that there's an evil side of me," Beast Boy barely heard her over the commotion of the surrounding battle.

"I've chosen to embrace it. You however can't come to grips with the fact that you have a darker side. Slade unnerves you because he is, to you, the manifestation of your darker side. You don't like to admit it, but you were actually flattered that Slade chose you to be his apprentice, and that flattery terrifies you."

Beast Boy listened to their fight. It didn't last long. Terra had hit the Boy Wonder where it hurt the most. He was lashing out without thinking, a rare thing for Robin.

Beast Boy heard Terra laugh, and assumed that she had defeated Robin. He couldn't really see what was going on because he was covered in Slade-bots. He was giving everything he had, and it still wasn't nearly enough.

To his horror, he dwindled down from the Tyrannosaurus form, which he had been fighting in, to his human form. Exhaustion overcame him, and he fell to his knees.

Glancing through the sea of Slade's minions he saw Terra advancing on Raven. He jumped to his feet, but was sent sprawling back down by one of the many robots.

He began to shake, his heart pounding, and his chest heaving. He panted raggedly, and watched in horror as the girl raised her glowing yellow hands above her head.

He had to do something otherwise Terra was going to kill Raven. Something that he had locked away since Raven became the portal awoke. The one form that would protect Raven no matter what.

Beast Boy shut his eyes. He had to protect Raven, no matter what. Nothing else mattered to him, all that mattered was protecting Raven.

He could feel his body beginning to morph, and all of his other mental processes begin to shut down as he unlocked the primal form that would stop at nothing to protect her. He unleashed The Beast.

He opened his eyes, and used his brute strength to tear through the robots. He raced towards Raven, and with a swipe of his mighty paw, sent Terra sprawling to the ground. The smell of blood caught his attention, but Beast Boy didn't care.

All that mattered was keeping Raven safe.

Beast Boy moved so that he was standing overtop of Raven. He growled at the girl sitting on the ground in front of him. Blood was running down her sides. She looked up at him with icy eyes. He could smell her fear. Beast Boy coiled his muscles, ready at any moment to defend Raven.

"Beast Boy?" her voice was shaking with fear. He knew he was Beast Boy, but that didn't mean anything to him. All that mattered was protecting the unconscious Titan beneath him.

Terra stood unsteadily, and took a step towards her. Immediately, he leapt towards her. He wasn't going to attack her yet. He was just warning her to keep away.

He stopped right in front of her and bared his teeth. This was his warning. If he felt that she was threatening Raven again, he was not going to hold back.

Terra seemed to get the message, and began to back away slowly. Beast Boy watched her every move intently. He wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to endanger Raven in any way.

His sensitive hearing caught movement behind him, and Beast Boy spun around to find another group of robots advancing on Raven. He didn't hesitate, and tore at their necks with his claws. As The Beast, Beast Boy didn't care how savage he was.

Love Hurts (first in Destiny series)Where stories live. Discover now