𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙

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When you came to, you were surrounded by nothing.

Well, it seemed like the colour white, but... it was more than that, definitely. There was a feeling.

You pulled yourself to your feet - just barely, you could make out pillars and walls, though everything was white.

"[Y/N]," a voice spoke, and you whipped around in alarm. Stood before you was a great dragon - a white Dragon with angel-like wings and covered in a tissue similar to bird feathers, rather than scales. It had small tufts of fur on its chin and its underbelly, as well as a thick trail of hair that went from its head to its tail. In addition, atop its head, it had two horns, one of which was broken.

"[Y/N], my gorgeous girl," it spoke again, "you brave, brave girl."

You stared in awe at just who stood before you, though before you could get out a word, it started to amble along. Its large paws made no noise against the seemingly marble floor.

"Let us walk," its voice was feminine and smooth, like a pool of honey. Speechless, you followed.

"Where are we?" you finally spoke, turning to take a good look around.
"I was wondering that myself," the Dragon answered, craning her neck to look around, "where would you say we are?"

"Well... it looks like my guildhall, Sabertooth," you described your surroundings as best as you could, as the two of you continued to walk, "only, cleaner... and white, without all the people here."

"The Sabertooth guildhall, is that right?" the white Dragon wondered aloud, "this is, as they say, your parting. I expect you now realise what has happened to your soul."

"I gotta go back, don't I?" you and the Dragon came to a halt, you leaning into her body.
"Ah... that is up to you," she said, turning her head to look at you.
"I have a choice?" you echoed its thoughts.

She turned her head away, changing the subject fluidly.
"We are at your guildhall, you say?" she said, "I think that, if you so desired, you would be able to stay here. Go about your usual days, taking jobs and whatnot."

"And... what would these jobs be like? Where would I go?" you asked.

She let out a small huff, seemingly amused.
"On," is all she replied, before she continued to pad along. You stayed where you were.

After a short pause, you called out to her.
"Alvarez is gaining the upper hand, aren't they?" you said.

"True," she agreed.
"And there are still some of the Twelve out there," you continued.
"Yes," the Dragon nodded.
"And... we've nothing to defeat them with," you said.

"[Y/N]... I will always give my help to those who need it... especially you, if you ask," she answered, "I have always prided myself on my ability to turn a phrase like that. Words are, in my humble opinion, a most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting wounds, and healing them. But I would, in this case, amend my original statement... I will always give me help to those who deserve it."

You pursed your lips and watched her as she began to back away.

"Do not pity us, the dead," she said, "pity the living. Pity all those who live without love in their heart."

"Isychia... this is all really weird, isn't it?" you finally managed to get her name out of your mouth, "y'know... this."

"Actually, [Y/N]... when I think deeply, it is not very strange at all," she said, dipping her head, "I will be going now."

"Wait, uh... how do I get back to Sting and Rogue and that guy?" you said.
"How am I to know how much time has passed whilst you are here?" she replied.

𝙏𝙃𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 // 𝙧𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now