Truth-Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Nova's POV- The next Saturday, 10 a.m.

Life Goes On- BTS (yeah, life goes on, like this again)

It's the day of the first trial. I reflect back on everything that happened in the past week.

Ours moms were pretty mad at us- okay, extremely mad at us- for getting into trouble like that, especially since the boys are 20 years old. They had fake passports so they could get into our school. Explains why from up close, I felt Cadmus was much older, and why Alaric's locker combination did end up being his birth year- 2000. When we first went and explained everything to the principal and headmistress (I didn't mention dumping green paint over Cadmus and Arch didn't mention pushing Alaric into the pool, neither did Athena mention the details of the fight between her and Damien-), they gave us a two day suspension for breaking into a student's locker, disobeying orders and investigating students, stealing their personal belongings, fighting with other students physically on campus, you get the idea. We came back on Thursday to school, and they were pretty apologetic- apparently, the evidence was that damning. Various people were now involved in the case and the school board was suing the secret association the gang was from apart from making the boys face several criminal charges.

On Monday, none of the gang were to be seen anywhere. They seem to have fled and hidden and a search was ongoing. They were found pretty soon by the police in a safe house with flight tickets in their hand. Their initial trial was fixed for today. Asher's going to face a very minimal sentence, or none at all, as he's helping give up all information and evidence he knows, as well as being a witness. Cole has to testify in court for the conversations he heard and had with them. He's pretty terrified, so Liv's going to court with him to keep him calm. Alaric, Damien and Cadmus are being tried for all their charges- none of them were able to cut a deal, but if their lawyer wins the case, they'd be set free. Hopefully, we've gathered enough evidence that they won't.

The school doesn't want to reveal that they didn't investigate the strange happenings within their building and that five teenagers fought 20-year-old thugs, so none of us are being asked to be part of the investigation. Thank God for that.

The school's energy was unnaturally high on Thursday and Friday- the potion took effect, and everyone is much happier. The school told everyone about the gang, keeping us out of it, and we had a fun time pretending to be as surprised as everyone else. School was- and I can't believe I'm saying this- super fun those two days. People talk much more, coaches and teachers feel much better; after-school classes have a lot more students, and extracurricular rooms are filled again.

If he doesn't first, then Aliyah plans to ask out Asher once the trials are completed and he's free. We can see their spark though, and I'm sure they'd be great together. Liv and Cole went on a date already, and since they were already best friends, they're pretty much inseparable right now.

Athena's getting ready for a very important basketball tournament. Arch is back on the swim team and won the swim meet on Friday. I painted a huge canvas the first chance I got. Liv signed up for new dance competitions, and Aliyah baked a huge batch of brownies and got it to school.

Things sucked a bit for a while. I'm really grateful for everything that happened the way it did- I'm lucky to be sitting in my room unharmed right now. We all are. 

A/N: This was a recap on the aftermath. I wanted to make sure even the protagonists had, however limited, consequences.

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