"Who Are You?"🤷🏽‍♀

Start from the beginning

She gently touched my face and said, "Look at me...There's nothing wrong with your body, my love. It's perfect. And most importantly, you're beautiful inside and out. Don't let anyone make you feel insecure", she said to me.

As if her sweet words weren't enough to melt my heart, she kissed my lips so tenderly. Her soft lips made me feel warm all over. As good as her gumbo tasted, I was more interested in eating her. But she pulled away and began to put gumbo into a bowl for me.

"Go have a seat my queen. I know your feet our a little sore from wearing those high heels all day. But don't worry, I'll massage them for you after you're done eating. I just want to give you a home cooked meal and lots of my love. Is that ok?", she asked. 

I smiled at her generosity. She made me feel so loved. She made me feel beautiful and appreciated. Every time she spoke or touched me, I felt like I was floating on clouds. I was falling in love with a stranger. And oddly, I wasn't even alarmed by the fact that I was falling in love with a stranger! It just felt....RIGHT....

As I was eating the gumbo, I felt her arms around my neck and her nice, full breasts pressed against my back. She kissed my cheek and asked, "So how is it?"

"It's fabulous...but I need to ask you something", I said.

"Ask me anything, my sweetheart", she said.

So I asked, "Who are you?"

But before I could get an answer, my damn phone started ringing! I jumped up! Realizing that I was no longer in the kitchen with the beautiful stranger. I was still on the sofa. And unfortunately, I had been dreaming. None of what took place was real....It was all a dream!


In an annoyed tone I answered my phone. It was Kelly telling me to open the door because she forgot her house key. I wanted to knock her head between the washer and dryer for waking me up out of the best dream I had ever had! I didn't know who that woman was. But I truly hoped she would show up in my dreams again.

I let Kelly in with a major attitude. She could tell I was cranky. "What's wrong with you, stank ass?!", she asked.

"You woke me up! How the hell you forget your house key anyway?!", I asked.

"I think I might have left it at Kehlani's house last night. You know after she gives me head I be drunk", she stated.

"TMI, nasty! Anyway, what's up with you and her anyway? What are y'all?", I asked.

"Well...it started off with us just hooking up. But Lani said she wants more. And honestly I do, too", Kelly said with a smile that she was trying to hide from me.

I smiled and said, "Look at you growing out of your hoe faze! I feel like a proud mother!"

Kelly threw a cookie at me and told me to hush. I thanked her and ate the cookie.

"Best friend!!! I see you went to Walmart. I hope that means you're cooking", I said.

"Yes, Bey. I told you and Michelle I was making gumbo tonight", she reminded me. But hearing the word gumbo made my heart jump.

"Gumbo?!", I shouted.

"Yes, Bey! Why are you acting weird as fuck?!", she asked.

I sighed and said, "My bad. I just probably need more sleep."

"Ok. Well after you eat just go to bed", Kelly said. And that's exactly what I did!

It took me a while to fall asleep though. I couldn't get the woman who appeared in my dream off of my mind. She was so gentle, loving, kind and warm. I wasn't used to having that kind of woman in my life. I've always ended up with chicks who wanted nothing more than sex from me. Or females who were toxic and selfish. So I had actually given up on trying to fall in love. I had told myself that true love doesn't even exist!

I tossed and turned until my eyes finally got heavy. I fell into a deep sleep. Then, I began to dream. I dreamed I was in this beautiful forest. There were beautiful trees everywhere and even a waterfall. "Wow...Where am I?", I wondered.

"You're here with me", she said. It was the beautiful stranger that appeared in my dream earlier when I took a nap! I ran towards her.

But she began to run away from me playfully. "Catch me, my love!"

"Why y'all pretty girls always want to be chased?! Come here, woman", I yelled while laughing and running after her at the same time. I felt like I was a kid again. Playing a game of tag.

I stopped running when she seemed to vanish. My breathing was heavy from running. "Where are you?", I asked.

Then, she jumped on my back and scared the shit out of me! But I calmed down when I heard the sound of her laughter.

"Carry me over there. Where the tent is. We'll be safe and warm there", she told me. And I obeyed her wishes.

We made it over to the tent and got inside. There were blankets and pillows inside. The beautiful young lady snuggled her body into mine. Holding her felt right. I didn't want to let her go.

"Do you like it here, honey?", she asked as she caressed my cheek with her warm, soft hand.

"I do, beautiful. Being with you is so peaceful. I don't even know who you are but you make me forget about all my worries. It's like you're some type of angel", I said to her.

She kissed my lips passionately. Then said, "No matter what, I'll always be here when you need to feel at peace. When you need to feel loved, I'll be around."

I pulled her back in for another kiss. She laid on her back and pulled me on top of her. I was ready to make love to this delicate flower. But out of nowhere, a storm came.

"We have to get out of here! Now", the young lady yelled.

She ran out of the tent. I ran out of the tent behind her. But she was nowhere to be found!

The rain, thunder, and strong wind was none of my concern! "Where are you?! "Who are you?! Come back....PLEASE", I yelled.

I woke up from the dream. I saw the rain and thunder outside of my bedroom window. A tear slid down my cheek. I didn't know who she was, but I wanted her back!


Author's Note

Hello, everyone! It's Nicki Boog! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter

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Hello, everyone! It's Nicki Boog! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. This is similar to the story, "Woman of My Dreams", from my Beynika Love Stories  book.  Please vote, comment and give me some feedback. This story is a bit unusual! So let me know if I should continue it. Love y'all and thanks for the support!❤


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