Chapter I

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"The chills of a winter breeze„

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"The chills of a winter breeze„

The snow fell gently down into your hand, you smiled at the soft yet cold feeling as the snow melted to your touch. The mornings in Snezhnaya were always very chilly, but that wouldn't stop you from adoring the winter. It was your favorite season after all, everything looked like it was coated in a thick white blanket. However no mattet how pretty things looked, nothing stays pretty.

Your big sister stepped out rather quickly "[Y/N]! Don't stay out in the cold like that, you will get sick!" she said wrapping a scarf around your neck, the bright red fitting beautifully with the snow around you. You smiled at the warmth that engulfed you "Thank you!" you smiled brightly, your sister couldn't help but smile back "Say, didn't you tell me you had a friend?" she asked placing her hand on her hip, you couldn't help but hum "You make it sound like i don't have any other friends" you spoke half mumbled by your scarf.

Your sister laughed "I apologize kiddo, your new friend" she fixed her phrase, you felt pleased with that "Mhm! Well i haven't seen him much, but he's really nice!" you said slightly pulling your scarf down so she could hear you better, wich luckily it worked "What's his name?" she asked, you stood dumbfounded "I don't remember.. I think it
started with an A"
You said, your sister nodded "We have time we could go visit him!" she said, you already got filled with excitement "Yes please!"

And so hand in hand you tried leading the way around the village "Are you certain you remember where he lives?" she asks you, with a few looks around you were ready to admit you didn't. However the little boy had spotted you "[Y/N]!" the boy shouted catching up with the two of you, he patted your shoulder happily "Ah! There you are! I was looking for you!" you said excited "Ohh, and whos that?" he pointed to your sister "Hello! Im her older sister, my name is Natasha! What's yours?" she smiled, he smiled back "My name is Ajax! Say wouldn't you be around my age?" he asked, your sister thought "Why how old are you?" she asked curiously, Ajax proudly struck a pose "14!" your sister chuckled "I'm older by a year!"

The three of you continued chatting until a interesting topic popped up "My dad wants to send me to the Fatuus, i overhead him say that yesterday" Ajax admitted, you never really knew what the Fatuus were so just let your sister speak "Huh? But you are 14? That's so young! Isn't the limited age older?" she asked, Ajax shrugged "I don't know, but apparently they made a deal or something?" you were confused, would that mean he was going to leave? If so, for how long? "Will you come back?" you asked "Don't know" he said with another shrug.

eventually you all had to go back home, so on the way you couldn't keep it in "Nat?" you asked, she looked down at you "Yes?" you hesitated "What do the Fatuus do?" you asked finally looking up at her "Oh.. They collect debts! Allot say they are kind people, but some of us always have had our doubts of them" your sister said, that only left more questions, but clearly she wasn't amused in answering so you kept silent.

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