"(N/N)!" I raced my way through the corridor. No way could he have walked here. Did he sneak in my car? "(N/N)! Please (N/N)!" I called for the (H/C) haired boy as I panicked. I would never forgive myself if I lost him and not to mention, (B/N) would have me skinned. My heart raced with pure concern for the little boy's life.
"(N/N)! Please!" I felt my voice rising. It could've been the maternal instincts kicking in as I realized the void that would consume me if he was killed. I felt my blood run cold as I noticed his figure up ahead. He seemed to notice me. A bright smile was on his face as he turned to wave at me shyly. For a moment, the world stopped around me. Nothing but pure relief and joy washed away my anxieties but that moment of happiness was twisted into terror as I watched how the disfigured animatronic twitched its way behind him.
"Get the fuck away from him!" I screamed, my legs felt heavy but I raced my way toward my younger nephew. I pushed forward, hands landing on the chest plate of the animatronic as I pushed Springtrap back with as much force as I could muster. He didn't budge one bit. My attention shifted immediately to the child gazing over at us. His round eyes are wide with excitement as though he's received a Christmas gift.
"Auntie (Y/N)! Springtrap says he likes me. He said he was gonna make me his friend forever and I'll never have to be lonely again." The little boy chirped.
"(N/N)," I muttered quietly as I stood in the middle of the boy and the creature. My trembling body shielded his while my back faced him. I felt my eyes bore into the pearly ones of Springtrap as he analyzed my movement.
"We can have parties and eat pizza!"
"He said he'd give me a special costume too. I wanna be a bear like Freddy."
"Please Auntie (Y/N!) please let me stay with him. He's a nice bunny-"
"(N/N)!" I suddenly shouted, "Get your ass to my office right now! Can't you see he's lying? He wants to kill you!" I neglected the change in his expression and overall attitude as I shouted for him to leave. I watched the boy race his way over.
"Cute kid." Springtrap grumbled out as he watched the boy race off into the shadows of the archaic building, "But what gives you the automatic assumption that I would harm such a child?" He took a few steps toward me cackling as he probably took notice of the change of my expression from the fear pooling within the pit of my stomach. My eyes widened as he stood tall somehow backing me up against the wall. My figure pressed against the itchy enclosure as well as his robotic suit made me squeak. The compression prevented me from escaping so I stood there, feeling his pearly orbs scan over me. I swallowed thickly both in fear yet in intrigue as to what his motives were.
"The h-hell?" I mumbled attempting to push him away yet he kept me put. His mangled face coming inches away from mine. Once again the wires tickled my cheek. It was teasing.
"Tell me (Y/N), why do you fear me? Is it my appearance?" His breath fanned over me which had me questioning the logistics of life. How was it possible for a dead human residing within a robotic suit to be able to breathe? To still be alive? That is unless this is no human nor an animatronic. This was or had to be an entity. A tainted devil possessing the wreckage of a suit to feel as human as it possibly could. "Is it the corpse from within this suit? The environment surrounding us?" He rhetorically asked, "Or maybe, it's your inability to comprehend what I'll do next." I shuddered as I felt his sharp metal fingers reaching for the hem of my shirt. Feeling the fabric being lifted upwards slowly, I braced myself to feel some sort of pain but was shocked to find him caressing my skin instead. His hands felt cool against my stomach. It was weirdly intoxicating feeling him trace patterns softly over my (S/C) skin.
"What are you doing?" I uttered quietly. My voice was low as I eyed him. His jaw unhinged exposing a pointed tongue that snaked its way out. Drips of saliva slithered down my neck and I whimpered as I felt the muscle lap over my skin a few times. He was agonizingly slow as he traced it across my neck. The licking was soon accompanied by his teeth as he very crookedly angled himself to bite into my skin. I flinched
feeling the metal squares piercing through my flesh. A stinging sensation followed as he pulled back. At that moment I realized it wasn't just his saliva on my shoulder and that he had quite literally bitten his mark into my neck. I watched quietly as the drool seeped just over his chin yet wondered as to why he marked me. The room felt hot. Fear and tension rose as he brought his calloused metal fingers up to squeeze against my breast. A few buttons became undone in the process but that was the least of my worries. I swallowed back moans feeling helpless as I allowed him to fondle with the upper half of my body.
"If I told you then we both wouldn't have any fun now would we?" He breathed out hazily, "Now it is my turn to ask the questions. What is that child doing here?" His fingers, now moving just beneath my chest, began to sink into my skin as he waited for a response.
"H-he's my nephew. I didn't mean to bring him. He just..snuck in." I explained, "I'm sorry but-"
"Hush." He interrupted, fingers immediately digging harshly into my ribs, "Only answer what I ask or you'll upset me. Understand?"
I nodded.
In a situation where my life could end immediately, it would make sense to comply. Any other form of response would be troubling. I wonder though, this was a murderer of some sort. He craved that fear, that obedience. He loved power and I hated giving it to him.
"Mm and if I upset you?" I spoke softly but I eyed him with ferocity. He seemed taken aback but not enough to where he was afraid of his authority being taken.
"You dare speak up without my permission, cunt?" He suddenly spat out. Oh shit, the change in pet names could indicate a sign of frustration. I went silent again waiting for his next question. I breathed through my nose as I felt the tightness grow in his grip around my sternum.
"As expected, now, explain to me why you still haven't brought Michael?" His tone felt angrier now as it rang within my head.
"I haven't had the chance but I promise I'll bring him soon," I told him in a content manner. He pondered for a moment most likely mapping out his scheme.
"Last question," he grinned, the tips of his fingers finally sinking deep enough to leave a stinging sensation in my abdomen. I shuddered as I felt them inch deeper and deeper into my rib cage. I began to fear that the bones would break in response to the compression.
"Why didn't you push me away right now?"

A/N: To the ex friend stalking my shit with his little buddies, I'd love to be best friends again but I've already replaced you with a dog. At least she shits in the yard and not on me. Now buzz off bozo, you don't deserve the springussy xoxo

Just an Attraction (Yandere! Springtrap x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now