"This years theme... Anthem! Now, who can tell us what an anthem is?" Mr. Schuester questioned.

"The bottom of an ant's pants" Brittany said, a tone in her voice like that was very obvious.

"So close... No" Schuester answered, "An anthem is an epic song, filled with a groundswell of emotion that somehow seems bigger than itself"

"Mr. Schue?" Sam raised his hand.

"Oh, hey, Sam... I didn't even notice your new haircut" Mr. Schuester lied.

After Florence jokingly said she used to like Justin Bieber, Sam had tried his best to look like the singer, with his hair combed over his eyes and a purple hoodie on, he walked to the center of the choir room.

"I've been working on a new image to go with my new one-man band, the Justin Bieber Experience"

"You've got to be kidding me" Quinn laughed

"Dude, that haircut makes your mouth look even bigger" Puck spoke, staring at Sam's mouth.

"Like you're one to speak when it comes to haircuts" Florence bitched

"Like he's one to speak when it comes to anything" Quinn added

"Look, laugh all you want, but that kid's an epic talent, and there's a number I've been working on that I've been wanting to show off" Sam defend himself as he turned to Mr. Shuester, "And I think it qualifies as an anthem"

"Let's hear it, buddy" Shuester smiled, taking a seat next to Florence.

Sam grabbed a guitar and started singing a slower version of baby by Justin Bieber.

After a few sentences he stopped, put down the guitar and started singing, a way faster version of the song this time.

Are we an item? Girl, quit playing. We're just friends, what are you saying?

"Oh no" Florence whispered, sliding down in her chair as her cheeks started glowing pink.

The New Directions finally started to understand how well Sam was bringing the song, and they started clapping, cheering and copying his dance moves.

And I wanna play it cool, but I'm losing you. I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring

Mike felt like something was off, he looked at Sam and noticed how he was looking at Florence for the entirety of the song.

He looked back and forth between the teens and his eye fell on Florence - who had practically turned into a smiling tomato- and he noticed how she was playing with the necklace she had on.Mike and Florence had known each other since kindergarten, and he had learned that every time the girl fancied someone, she would fiddle with the necklace she wore when that person was close. His eyes grew wide and he smacked Tina on her arm while whispering no way over and over.

The song came to an end and Florence spun around, making sure to see everyones reaction. She noticed Mike looking back and forth between her and Sam, his eyes and mouth wide open. He looked like he was about to say something. Florence decided to make sure he wouldn't she yanked him off his chair, dragging him and Sam with her into the hallway.

As soon as Florence closed the door behind her, Mike started yelling. "You?.. And You?" he smiled, pointing from one person to the other, "When did this happen?"

"Valentines day" Florence confessed

"I have no clue what you're talking about" Sam lied, "I thought we weren't going to tell anyone? I just started liking the whole secret thing!"

loser like me ✩ sam evans Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora