1) The DX

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Tomorrow is a Long Time- Elvis Presley
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

The walk home from the Dingo wasn't bad -only about 10 minutes- but the heat made it unbearable. Beads of sweat dripped down my face as my feet dragged along the pavement. Typically it wouldn't be smart for a young girl to walk home on her own, even in broad daylight, but I didn't care, I needed a break from my house and the dingo was my go-to spot.

My family lives on the east side of the tracks, so we're all greasers. I don't think it's a bad thing though, I would rather be poor and have fun than be rich and stuck-up like some of the socs I've met. I'm not saying that all socs are bad, but I would choose to be a grease over a soc any day.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard footsteps behind me. The town was busy, being a weekend, but these footsteps were heavy and approaching me quickly. My hand reached for the rusty switchblade in my back pocket, but before I could grab it I was shoved against the shop next to me, and an arm pressed me against the old brick wall.

"Well, look what we have here," a voice jeered. I looked up and I saw a man with greasy hair and a leather jacket, with a few of his buddies sporting the same attire behind him. I would have been more nervous if I hadn't recognized him, but he was famous in my town for all the wrong reasons.

"C'mon Tim, can't you find someone else to pick on? I'm busy here," I pleaded, looking at the man as if we were old friends.

He looked at me for a minute, studying my face.

"You're Glenn Thomas' sister, ain't you?" He asked, referring to my brother. Of course he had some problem with my brother.

"Yeah, what's it to you?" I sneered, waiting for a chance to break away. His arm pushed me further into the wall, and he got up in my face.

"Little hood keyed my car. I know it was him because his broad left him for me." He growled.

"Do I look like my brother to you? I don't give a shit about what he did to your car. If you care so much, take it up with him, but I've got places to be. Besides, i don't know who in their right mind would want you anyways." I pushed his arm back and started quickly walking away. I only had about three minutes until I got home, and if I sprinted I should be able to make it back in a minute.

I heard yelling from behind me, but I didn't hesitate. I sprinted as fast as I could home, but luckily I lost the footsteps pretty quickly.

My house was just around the corner, and then I could hide away from the world in my room. I turned the corner but collided with something, sending me flying down to the pavement. I closed my eyes as I braced myself to hit the ground.

My head hit the pavement and I felt the sharp pieces of rock stab my back. I just layed on the ground with my eyes closed, dreading to come to face with what I knocked into.

But I heard a groan and opened my eyes. Sprawled out on the ground was a boy fit in a sleeveless sweater and faded jeans, holding his head covered in slicked-back hair.

Realizing that he wasn't dangerous, I hopped to my feet and held out my hand for the boy, and that's when I recognized who he was; Ponyboy Curtis, the boy who lived across the street.

He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up, and it took him a minute to get steady. When he balanced himself out, he looked at me and his eyes widened.

"Loraine? What are you doin' in such a rush?" He asked.

"Just trying to escape Tim Shepard, you know, the usual," I replied. "Where you headed anyways?"

"Just the DX. Was goin' to see Soda." He looked around and tapped his foot as if he was in a hurry.

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