First Big Adventure

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Well this story is a long time in the making. Took me a while to figure out what I wanted for this story but hey here it is! Hope you enjoy!

I don't own Kung Fu Panda but I tried making this story fit into the storyline of Kung Fu Panda as best as I could. This Story takes place when Tigress is about 16-17 years old. Po being only a year older than Tigress is my own personal head-canon. He still has his fluffy hair cus I love it. There won't be much Po action but he's in there somewhere.

It was a cold Autumn's day and the Valley of Peace was lively as ever. The Valley truly lived up to its name without a bandit in sight for miles around. A young panda rested on top of his Father's noodle shop looking up at the Jade Palace, wondering what kind of adventures the heroes of the valley were up to.

Those said heroes were currently in the training hall, following their master's orders. Each one of them perfecting each of their styles. Their Master, Shifu, would watch the five young warriors with a stern cold expression. His eyes wandered to each of his students, examining their moves.

Crane is the oldest of the four young students. He learned the young crane had taken Kung Fu at The Lee Da Kung Fu Academy but his Kung Fu career had fallen short for reasons he did not explain. Still, the student showed promising improvement.

Mantis is the second oldest and knows the most about Kung Fu than the other four. He already had developed a good amount of his style. Shifu didn't know why the mantis decided to quit Kung Fu to pursue being a doctor. Personally, in Shifu's opinion, he believed Kung Fu fitted the young mantis better than being a doctor.

Monkey is next. He is still quite young and has much to learn, but the young monkey is very well learning his own style very quickly. Having four fists he is able to do things the others could not. He didn't have much history with Kung Fu but he was enthusiastic to learn.

Viper is the daughter of the Grand Master Viper, something Shifu quickly learned when she arrived. Even though her father is a warrior, Master Viper had always only fought with his fangs and never developed a Kung Fu style. Using her ribbons though, the young Viper created effortless moves, quickly getting into the rhythm of a promising style.

Tigress is the youngest of the four, but the oldest resident of the Jade Palace. Ever since Shifu had finally acknowledged she needed her own style, she was showing a lot more improvement. He didn't show it but he was very proud of how much she had improved. Her style wasn't perfect but it certainly was better than when she first started it just a couple of years ago.

Shifu continued to watch and instruct each of his students with a stern tone. Each student working hard to please their master. No one noticed Master Oogway walking in with Zeng, the palace messenger goose.

"Master Shifu." Oogway spoke softly as the two of them slowly made their way to the panda. Shifu quit yelling when he heard his master and turned around greeting him with a bow. "Zeng here has an important assignment for your students." Shifu raised a brow as the goose handed him the scroll. Shifu's eyes widened when he read the contents.

"Master-" Shifu was about to protest but Oogway raised his hand to stop him.

"They are ready." Oogway grinned. Shifu looked at Oogway, still unsure if they were really ready for something like this. Oogway sure seemed to think so.

"Students!" Shifu called for them. They all quickly stopped training and jumped to stand in front of the older masters, bowing respectfully. "Pack your bags, you're going on a very important mission." Shifu held out the scroll to Tigress. Tigress was a bit hesitant but gently took the scroll. They all bowed and headed to the barracks to pack.


"Master, are you sure they are ready?" Shifu asked a few hours later. He was still very hesitant as he saw all his 5 students run down the Thousand steps.

"I don't know." Oogway shook his head and walked back inside. Shifu wasn't sure if he was trying to joke around or if his master was serious.

"Master-" Shifu followed after him.

"They must follow their path. This is part of their destiny." Oogway spoke calmly. "We will see them if the Universe has more planned." Shifu really regrets sending his students off on a dangerous mission now. Knowing Shifu would likely try to go after them, Oogway was going to keep him very busy with other things. Shifu was not very happy with that.


A young panda, awoke to his father yelling his name from downstairs too early in the morning for anything. Couldn't his dad see he was trying to dream about his Kung Fu life?

Po tried to sit up but failed to multiple times. As he got older, he found it more and more difficult to fit in his small room. His room was not built for a panda to live in at all. When he finally got up on his feet he grabbed a fresh pair of shorts he easily slipped into.

"Hi-ya!" Po went to his window, where his handmade action figures stood. "Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress!" Po imitated each of his heroes just like he did every morning. Luckily his neighbor wasn't home today to hear his antics.

"What chu want bull?" Po started at the drawing of a yak on his wall. The wall punctured by throwing stars he had imprinted over the years. "You want to fight? Huh?" His face showed determination and seriousness. But really it just looked silly as he tried to pick a fight with the drawing. "Wha-ya!" Po threw a throwing star at the wall. Only the throwing star only bounced. Due to the force he had thrown it, the star bounced further than he expected, it hit the wall and began flying across the room. Po ducked trying not to get hit by it before it finally stuck to its target.

"Yes!" He celebrated and his dumb luck.

"Po! What are you doing?" Mr. Ping called out.

"Uh, nothing!" Po finally started running downstairs, only to trip on his own feet and tumble down the stairs. "Sorry dad." Po quickly stood. He was beginning to need to hunch over due to his growing body. He soon wasn't going to be able to walk comfortably there anymore. Po was about to start cooking when he realized the shop was closed. Wasn't it almost lunch time?

"We're going on a trip son!" Mr. Ping announced, answering the Panda's question.

"Wait really?" Po's eyes lit up. They hadn't gone on vacation in years! "Where to?"


The Furious Five finally made it out of The Valley of Peace making it to the path within the bamboo forest. Tigress, Monkey and Crane all carried a small bag of extra clothes. Viper and Mantis not really needing anything extra.

"So where are we going?" Mantis finally asked as they continued to run through the path. Tigress leapt into the air grabbing hold of a bamboo and gracefully ran across them. The others followed her lead.

"Beijing!" Tigress answered. Her vision focused on the mission ahead. "There's been mysterious attacks around the city."

"Shifu really thinks we're ready?" Viper slithered quickly beside her. Tigress looked at her slightly.

"If he thinks we are, so do I." She smiled. Viper smiled back as well with confidence. It will take them a few days to arrive there but they were determined to succeed on their first big mission.


Beijing was a peaceful city for the most part. Villagers didn't really need any of the Kung Fu Masters living in the city, only calling them if they were really needed for big crimes or attacks. Today the streets of Beijing though were very dangerous. Citizens were going missing and if they were found, they were found lifeless and barely recognizable. The Emperor was getting more and more concerned with these attacks he called the Masters from the Jade Palace. They were the closest masters he had access to. He was really re-considering his father's decision of not having masters in the city.

Whoever was harming his beloved city, was not going to pay an easy price.

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