//chapter 2//

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⚠️!! smut !!⚠️

they walk out of the lupin, and get into ango's car.

    " what's your address? " ango asks oda once they both get into the car, and gets the engine started.
    " its xxxx xxxxxxxx, xxxx. "
    " ok, thanks. "


when they finally get to oda's place, ango drags oda to what he thinks is oda's room, and indeed, he is correct.

he pulls oda in for a rough, hard kiss. the kiss was hungry and needy. oda could tell what was going to happen.
oda just went along with it though. the feeling had been building up for a while, so he was happy to fulfill that need.

oda's hands found their place at ango's hips, and ango's arms are put on side of oda's neck.

oda pushed ango against a wall.
they continued  to kiss until they lost their breath. when they pulled away, they both stared longingly into each other eyes. they stared with so much emotion and love. feelings were everywhere, and the adrenaline was overwhelming both and all of their senses.

ango looked heavenly in oda's eyes.
his hair was slightly disheveled, his eyes half-lidded, blush on his cheeks to the tips of his ears, and lips wet.

oh, oda could not stop looking at those lips.

    " what are you staring at? c'mon and fuck me alrea— "

oda cut ango off by picking him up, and laying him down on the bed.

he undressed the both of them, taking every, individual, piece of clothing, including his glasses, off ango with the most care in the world as if he were made of glass.
as if he was too harsh or rash, he would break into a thousand pieces.

he quickly found lube somewhere, and puts a generous amount on 2 of his fingers. and then goes back to the bed, and gets on top of ango.

    " you ready? " oda asked softly, like if he were to be too loud, he would hurt ango.

ango just simply nodded yes.

    " ok, just tell me if u need me to stop or slow down. "
slowly, oda pushed his fingers into ango's hole, making sure that he didn't rush.

    " ah-ah~ " ango moaned softly in pleasure.

ango moaned here and there, while oda pushed in his fingers slowly but surely.
oda settled for a little once he pushed his fingers all the way in.

    " can i move them? " oda asked to make sure he had the "okay".
    " y-yes. you can." ango said, blushing hard.

oda slowly pushed in and out.
in and out with a rhythm.

    " ahh~ " ango's moans were like music to oda's ears.

oda sped up when he was sure ango could take it. he quickly found ango's prostate after.

    " a-ahh~ right there oda~ "

ango moaned out, his back arched against the sheets with how much pleasure and adrenaline were rushing through his veins.

oda thrusts his fingers into that same spot, making ango moan out louder. ango felt like he might just lose his mind to the pleasure. he felt light headed and his vision became spotty. is this what a climax feels like? is this how it feels to be able to be sexual with a person? is this—

ango's thought were interupted when oda pulled out his fingers.

    " e-ehh? why'd you stop— "

ango then felt oda's cock against his hole.

    " that's why. " oda simply says in his usual monotone voice.
oda then slowly pushed in.

    " ahhh~ " ango moaned at the unsualand weird, but not unwelcomed sensation.

oda moves his face down to angos neck. biting, licking, sucking, and kissing.
they were sure to leave marks in the morning, but ango didn't mind. if it was oda, oda sakunosuke, the only man, only person he would ever love in this whole world, the whole universe even, ango would never mind if it was oda. oda meant the world and more to ango, we would give everything just to be with oda the rest of his life. he wanted oda to be his life.
he wanted a life where every morning when he woke up, oda would be there by his side, and then they would take a shower together, then make breakfast together, we wanted for them to be together. he wanted oda. and oda wanted him.

then oda sucked on a certain place that makes ango shiver with pleasure, and made him moan out.

he then started thrusting into ango once whole entire length was in ango.

he then moves his mouth to angos nipple, playing with it with his tongue. he also jerked ango off with one of his hands.
pleasing him in 3 places.

he once again, hit ango's prostate.

    " ah-ahhh~ o-oda, right there~ " ango moaned out to oda.

oda started abusing that spot. thrusting as hard, and as deep as he can. ango's back arched higher than ever at the immense pleasure he felt, it was almost dangerous at how good he felt. his vision went spotty again. he swore he saw stars. he hadn't noticed he was biting his lip until he had the slight taste of blood in his mouth.

oda moved his lips to ango's lips, kissing them roughly to stop ango from biting his lip, and also to somewhat muffle their moans.

    " oda~ i-i'm about to- "
    " i know. same here. "  oda groaned, feeling his climax coming.

ango's cum now covered both of their stomachs, while oda's covered ango's insides.
oda pulled out and laid beside ango, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

he turned to face ango, who was already facing oda. they just stared lovingly into each others eyes, fantasizing a future together silently. there was also a slight sadness in this moment, one where they both knew that they couldn't stay like this forever.

oda then gave ango a small, soft kiss on his forehead.

    " goodnight, my darling. i'll be here when you wake up."
oda whispered softly, and sweetly to ango.

they both slowly drifted into sleep in each other's arms.

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