Forever Red Pt. 6: Finale!

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(Author/Red: How's it going everyone!

My name is Red or the Author and this is the finale for the Forever Red episode.

I hoped you all enjoyed this story!

Now this song is called 'Far Away' by Nickelback, this is the theme song for the entire Forever Red book.

I know a lot of people don't like Nickelback, but I do.

Please don't hate me! I just like their songs okay!

Now I hope you all enjoy the finale to this book!

I'll see you all in the next book!


No One's Point of View

All of the rangers were unmorphed on earth saying goodbye to each other for the first time, but definitely not the last.

"Thank you, Rangers. You've done a great service to the entire universe." Tommy says thankful.

"Don't mention it bro." Jason says as all of them put their fists in the middle.

"I guess it's time to say goodbye again. May the power protect you all." Tommy says as all of them fist bump.

Tommy starts to leave to get back to Lily since he made a promise to her and someone else.

"Wow! So, that was Tommy! He really is the greatest ranger!" Cole states as the others scoffed and laughed at him.

"What?" Cole asked with a smile on his face as the others were joking around with him.

"What you said, well... I wouldn't go that far! After all I was the one that replaced HIM!" TJ says to Cole.

"Are you kidding! Scarlett and I were the ones doing all the work while he was at the juice bar kissing on Lily!" Jason states jokingly.

(Author/Red: Jason, you are the one to talk!)

"Alright!" Some of the others said jokingly.

"At least his haircut's regulation is right." Carter says jokingly.

"Yeah, my Q-rex would be on his dragon zord for lunch!" Eric joked as the others smiled or scoffed.

"Hey! Wait, wait, wait, wait! I changed history! So why does he have a fan club and I don't?" Wes asked jokingly.

"Hey! I saved two worlds! What about that?!?!" Andros asked jokingly.

(Author/Red: Andros, oh you poor soul. Scarlett saved four worlds!!! How about that?!?!)

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Did I ever tell you guys about the time I got baked into a giant pizza?" TJ asked jokingly as the others started joking around with each other again.

"Wait, hold on. Did I ever tell you all about the time where Scarlett saved four worlds?" Jason asks rather proud of his wife and the others were surprised. Even Andros was surprised.

"Wait! What other world did Scarlett save?" Andros asks him.

"You'll see." Jason says as he chuckles and smiles walking away from the group.

(Author/Red: Hello everybody again! My name is Red or the Author, here is just a little teaser for Scarlett's adventures along the lines of being a ranger once again. I hope you all enjoyed this little story and I'll see you all in the next one. Buh-Bye!)

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