Forever Red Pt. 2

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No One's Point of View

Back on earth Bulk and Skull were managing their own hangout in Angel Grove yet Bulk and Skull were talking about meeting Lord Zedd and Rita.

Then the phone starts ringing, and they fought to get it until Bulk picks it up when Skull gets out of the pool he was pushed into.

"Bulkmeier, Bulk speaking." Bulk says happily into the phone until he hears Scarlett's voice asking for certain people.

(Author/Red: *Ahem* Tommy Oliver *Ahem*)

"Just a minute." Bulk says in a shocked expression with both him and Skull going up to Tommy Oliver, and Lily Monroe was near him as she gets up nodding as she went to the restroom.

"You really think we ought to bug them?" Skull asked Bulk with uncertainty.

"It sounds important! Even if it comes from a superstar!" Bulk says to Skull knowing who Scarlett was.

"Excuse me, sir! You have a phone call!" Bulk says to Tommy, who was reading the paper, and Tommy held out his hand for the phone, which Bulk gladly gave it to him.

"Hello?" Tommy asked thinking of who it might be... Soon he hears Scarlett's voice for a ranger emergency.

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