Ranboos parents let him go to the uk
Plus, ur almost 18

Yeah but his parents aren't my parents
Besides he only stayed there like 4 months
Id be in florida for who knows how long.
Oh yeah and true

But we gotta at least ask

Thyere most likely to say yes if you ask

and how abt we ask together?


Um can I come over tomorrow around 4?
After my stream with George



   I let myself into macie's house without knocking, and met macie in the living room.

"What should I say?" I asked her. She shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

   Before I could say anything else, Macie's mom walked into the room, saw us staring at her, and came over to us. "Alright, whats up?" she asked us.

   Macie and I swapped looks before I said, "So, you know how May and I were panning on getting an apartment together?"

   Mrs. Green nodded to let us know she was listening and I continued. "Well, I may have found the apartment. . ." last night, May and I had called and looked at apartments. We had found a few, actually.

"Well, that's great. How far?" she asked. I looked at Macie. She said, "Its actually in florida. Orlando, florida, to be specific."

   We stared at mrs. green expectantly as she stared back expressionless. "Florida?" she eventually asked.
I nodded and Macie said, "Orlando, florida." I elbowed her.

"That's a pretty big city," mrs. green pointed out, taking a seat on one of the leather couches.

"Yeah, but we know some people there." Macies explains. I nod.
"Two of the people from the dream smp, cl-dream and sapnap." I tell her.

"Yeah, well I don't know them, so I don't think it's a good idea."

"Mom, I'll be 18 in less than a month." Macie objected.

"Then we'll talk about it then. But right now, I have to make dinner for the O'Claires'. Eve, I think youd really get along with their son, Tyler. Hes such a handsome young man, and super kind." Mrs. green stood up from the couch and started walking to the kitchen. "Actually, you should stay for dinner tonight and meet him. Hes visiting his family for a few days."

"Uh, sure?" I knew there was no saying no to mrs. green when she invites me to dinner. Although, I couldn't give a bigger shit about this Tyler guy. And I will admit, when mrs. green said "handsome young man", my mind went to Clay, as it usually does at random times.

   After mrs. green left, I followed Macie up stairs to her room, where we facetimed the bench trio. Tommy was yelling at tubbo for no reason and ranboo was sitting there with a look that said "help me", even though he had his mask and glasses on. I felt bad for him.

"Macie," Tommy said.

"What?" Macie answered.

"Do you like Tom-" Tubbo was cut off by Tommy, who literally tackled Tubbo.

Ranbooo started laughing, while Macie got a little red.


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