9 0 0

Gogy looks so happy. I wanna cry.

"Its like, super awesome to meet you guys," Macie smiled.

"What're your names?" Tubbo asked.



"Evelyn," Dream looked at me. I think. I don't know he had his smiley face mask on. "You sure you're okay?"

"You literally fell thirty feet." Ranboo looked up at the tree.

Macie laughed. "She fell like forty feet last time."

"What?" Tommy asked in disbelief.

"Seriously?" George asked.

"I've been skydiving a few times. They teach you how to land." I tried to stop being so nervous and reached down to brush the grass off my pants.

"You have a leaf in your hair." Dream reached out a grabbed the small yellowish green leaf from my head.

I tried to keep my blush to myself. "Thanks."


Shut up.

"What were you even doing up there?" Dream asked.

"Uhm... Waiting for Macie," I replied.

"That's where we watch you guys." Macie told them.

"Really? In a tree?" Ranboo asked with a laugh.

Macie and I nod.

"That's so cool," Wilbur said, shaking his head with a grin.

"Why are you guys in Wyoming, if you don't mind me asking?" Macie asked.

"Roadtrip. From Florida to California," Dream said.

At that moment I got a text. So my phone call ringer is "Change My Clothes" and my text ringer is "Roadtrip". Funny coincidence.

Now that interstate is paved with memories
Of a past life I lived when I was eighteen...

Text from Mom
Spider messed up your setup

"Ah yes." Dream said, hearing his song as the ringtone.

I sighed, irritated at my brothers stupid cat. It was always up to no good.

"What's wrong?" Macie asked me.

"Flipping cat messed up my setup. Again." I put my phone in my pocket.

"Cats," Wilbur laughed.

"Setup? Do you game?" George asked.

"Yeah, Evelyn and I stream Minecraft," Macie told them.

"How many followers do you have?" Wilbur asked.

"Evelyn has around 1.2k and I've got 1,124 thousand. Last I checked, anyway."

"We don't stream very often, though," I put in.

"How old are you guys?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy! You don't just ask that." Dream elbowed the British boy.

"Well, what am I supposed to do? Fucking guess?"

"Uhh, yeah," ranboo said.

"Its fine," I said. "I'm eighteen, nineteen in a month."

"Seventeen. Eighteen in a month," Macie said.

"Pog," Tommy says. "Happy early birthday."

"Okay, I have a question." I looked at Dream.

The Kissing Tree (DreamWasTaken)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant