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So, don't even think about asking about the A\N of the last chapter because I don't even know... Whoever wrote that is a crazy person. I hope she's ok.

My heart beat its way down to my stomach as Dream's lips touched mine. His lips were so soft, and the kiss was so gentle and...nice. I don't know how else to explain it. I failed big time in most of school because of my sucky vocabulary.

But it was like a sudden lightening struck us, enveloping us in a force field of sparks.


Dream pulled away, and reality swept back in a wave, drowning me, leaving me wanting air, which was Dream.

^Dream is the air for her drowning self. Idk.^

"You can call me Clay," he whispers before he backs away with a slight smile.


"Alright, who was the guy you liked before Dream?" Wilbur asked.

"Um, Sapnap, but, uh, he's not here," I replied, still shaky from Dream's kiss. "Before him was... Karl, I think."

George pushed Kale forward, who giggled as he walked up to me.

"Wait, before we, uh, kiss, can I hug you?" I asked him. "You just seem like a very good hugger."

"Probably a better hugger than kisser. And of course." He opened his arms and I stepped into them, wrapping my arms tightly around the boy. I felt him hug me back, and it honestly was best hug I'd ever had.

After a moment, we only slightly pulled away from each other. He giggled and kissed my smiling lips.

Karl definitely had a different affect than Dream. This kiss was so sweet, uh literally and...feelingly? I don't know the word for the opposite of literal.

Anyway, what I meant by it was literally sweet...lets just say Karl must like chocolate. :~|

This time I was the one to lean away, and for a second, Karl and I just grinned at each other.

But as he walked back to the other boys, I couldn't help but notice something.

Dream's was better.

I noticed everyone was staring at me. "Um, what?"

"Who's next?" Wilbur asked.

I blinked, trying to remember. Any other day, I would have remembered, but I was too shocked right now.

"Uh, you." I was gonna kiss Wilbur Soot.

I was gonna kiss Wilbur Soot.

And then George. GeorgeNotFound.

Wilbur came toward me.

People in heaven are so handsome...

Wilbur said something and my eyes left Dream and focused on Wilbur.

"This is the weirdest day of my life," Wilbur said in his deep British accent, stopping a foot in front of me.

"Same," I replied, staring at him, trying to stare at him. Trying to keep my eyes from wondering over to the maskless Dream.

"I bet you never expected this to happen." He grinned.

"Pfft, I'm beautiful. Why wouldn't half the Dream SMP wanna kiss me?" I winked jokingly.

He laughed. "Dream is the one who wanted to kiss you. He either wants you on the SMP or really wanted to kiss you. Probably both."

"Why do you say that?" I glance at Dream, who's watching us as Wilbur and I whisper to each other. I still couldn't believe how good he looked.

"You threatened to not kiss him if he didn't show his face—"

"And he was all like "Fine! Fine! I'll take my mask off and you can kiss me because I want to kiss you because I'm a fucking SIMP for a woman I just met who, by the way, FELL OUT OF A FUCKING TREE!"" Tommy interrupted, making his voice deeper to imitate Dream, failing at attempting to do an American accent.

I held in a laugh as Wilbur held out a hand to prove his point. "Exactly." He said.

"Shut up, Tommy!" Dream yelled.

"Alright, Evelyn." Wilbur grinned again. I smiled back and stepped toward him.

He's a tall guy, so I had to stand on my toes as I kissed him.

I liked Wilbur. He was very handsome, could sing, and was funny and nice. And handsome.

Yet, all I could think about during the two second kiss between the two if us, was Dream.

But I still found myself reaching up to kiss Wilbur's cheek before he walked back to the others.

"GO GOGY GO!" Tommy shouted.

George seemed nervous as Clay nudged him toward me.

"Um, hi."

Awww he's so cute.

"Hi, George." I smiled. I leaned forward and whispered, "You're the cutest."

"Of the whole smp?" He raised his eyebrows.

"The whole smp." I nodded.

He turned to look at Dream. "Sorry, Clay, but I'm going to replace you. EvelynNotFound."

"EvelynNotFound." I nodded seriously at Dream.

"What, George? No," Dream jokingly protested. "George! George, please!"

George turned his back on Dream to face me. I grabbed his hands and pulled him toward me. He leaned down and kissed me and I'm pretty sure I melted.

GeorgeNotFound smelled like cologne, but just the perfect amount, not too overwhelming. And his hands were so soft in mine.

At one point, I made the decision that I was going to choose George. He was the best kiss.

But then a thought made me second guess that choice.


That's when I leaned away from George, looking into his dark eyes.

"Dream?" He whispered, barely audible.

That obvious?

I slightly nodded with an apologetic look.

He smiled softly. "He likes you, too."

I fight the annoying blush that wants to show the world that I'm embarrassed.

He laughed quietly and hugs me. I hug him back.


When George walks away, unblocking my view of Dream, I see he's already looking at me, and our eyes meet. He winks at me, and I let myself smile shyly.

"My turnnnnn," Macie sang.


At one point, I made the decision that I was going to choose George. He was the best kiss.

But then a thought made me second guess that choice.


No like I literally was going to change this to a GeorgeNotFound ff because of that scene and how sweet and amazing he is.



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