Act 1 - Court

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A/n - Please pardon me for any grammatical errors. I'll be elated to receive your helpful comments.

Wei WuXian sighed for the umpteenth time, his table littered with various sketches, notes and talismans. It's been a few days and whenever he had been released from his duties, he immediately returned to his room. He stare without truly see the unorganized mess in front of him.

Originally, he's starting with two assignments. The first assignment to create talismans for fire protection. Second assignment to build a barrier which forbid anyone with harmful intention from entering Lotus Pier. Halfway through both assignments, Wei WuXian thought he needed another barrier to surround YunMeng, but only detect harmful intention and will let out alert signal.

The talisman already done and merely waiting for final test. The first barrier Wei WuXian haven't decided on the foundation to be use. The second barrier, currently is fraying his brain because he was undecided with how the signal alert should be and who need to be alert. He sent a letter to Lan Zhan earlier in the morning, asking for his opinion.

Jingling sounds of YunMeng bell drew Wei WuXian's attention to his bed. A smile blooming at the sight of a transparent rabbit hopping slightly on the unmade bed. "Hey~ you've been working hard today," Wei WuXian was crouching beside his bed, patting on the crown of the bunny. He missed those bunny he left at the back mountain of Cloud Recesses. Reluctant, he dispelled the transparent rabbit with smear of his blood. He had kept a tiny container of his blood on his person, so he doesn't have to keep cutting himself.

W.             Y,
Try jade or crystal for foundation.
As for second barrier, the sound should be natural for everyday, but unfamiliar to be heard by most local civilians. To alert few people might delay the message
and counter the purpose.

Expect a visit soon,



"Hm ... Jade or crystal. Alert civilians themselves ... That's not a bad idea to make them be cautious. It'll cut down some of our work too ... " A frown marring on Wei WuXian's forehead. "Does Lan Zhan want me to visit? Is he coming for a visit?" Wei WuXian frowned while he was pondering over the sentences.

. . . . .

The market in YunMeng always lively because it's loud and bursting with colours. A stick of tanghulu in his hand, Wei WuXian quickly approaching his sister at the stall selling tassels, hair pins and combs.

"A-Xian, do you have all the ingredients in the list I gave you?" Jiang YanLi looked up from inspecting the tassel on display. They've gone out since early morning to come to the market to restock some ingredients in the kitchen and also to buy some materials needed for needlework.

"Of course, Shijie. What about you ... You're done with your list?" Wei WuXian tried to peek into the lid covered basket, but Jiang YanLi swiftly evade from his hand.

"Yes ... I even able to buy something special," Jiang YanLi merely smile and patted on Wei WuXian's arm and he immediately beamed like sunshine.

His smile wasn't for long, once he caught onto his sister's words. "Hmm? Something special ...?" murmured Wei WuXian confused. He intended to ask his sister, but a familiar presence halted him.

"A-Xian?" Jiang YanLi softly called.

"What's going on over there?" Wei WuXian pointed to the end of the street. It's the jetty part where many boats will come and go, loaded with either passengers or goods. It's more crowded than usual and the ambience he felt doesn't match with his visual.

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