With all of this in mind, he knocked on the door two times. He waited for any response, but he had heard none. So, he went to knock again but heard faint shuffling and the sounds of the door unlocking which made a *click* sound. Bakugo peeked out the door, he squinted at Kirishima before slamming the door shut. He didn't hear the sound of locking so he took it as a sign to go in, even if he wasn't verbally welcomed.

He had been in Bakugos room countless times. Whether it was for studying, school work, late night talking, getting ready for a morning run, game nights on Saturdays, or really anything, he was always in his room. It was fairly convenient seeing as there dorms still lay next to each other, Kirishima was especially happy with this.

When Kirishima walked in he had seen Bakugo on his bed. There was a book on his bed that was being covered by a piece of paper that read, with bold letters, "HISTORY NOTES". He already knew what it was, a romance novel. He had caught Bakugo reading them a couple times, each time being less embarrassing than the last, at least for Bakugo, Kirishima never thought Bakugo should be ashamed but again its Bakugo we're talking about.

"Nice novel, anyways. Can you help me?" Kirishima had a pleading tone, he stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. Even though he had been in the room multiple times, he felt out of place. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. It felt like a brick was in his stomach and the more he talked the heavier it got. Maybe it was the topic but he thought it wouldn't be an issue seeing as Bakugo was his best bud, nothing could go wrong.

"No." It was an answer he expected, Bakugo wasn't to keen on helping. He said if it wasn't important or necessary than it would be a waste of his time. But he knew the right ways to make Bakugo fold, it was just a matter of time.

"Come on Bakugo, its simple really. It'll take a meer 5 minutes, alright? Nothing to big. Just a question." Kirishima was hoping that in doing all of this, Bakugo could help some. He had hoped it would all be worth it.

"..Whatever, what is so important that it made me have to stop reading my.. History notes?" Bakugo had peered over to the paper that layed lazily over a badly covered book that oh-so obviously said "Us Against The World" on the spine that hinted it being about romance. Kirishima chose to ignore it because if he didn't than it would be harder to get help from his best bud, Bakugo.

"Well.. How do you confess to someone?" Kirishima knew that it wouldn't be a question that you'd expect but Bakugo going completely still and not moving a muscle or saying a word was also unexpected. He'd thought that Bakugo would start yelling and tell Kirishima how stupid it would be to ask that but instead he didn't get that, he didn't get anything, only a still bakugo and awkward silence.

"...Why are you asking that?"

"Well.. Your my best friend! So I trust you with this.. Um.. Well.. I like Mina.. I've liked her since last year actually! And-" Kirishima had a smile that stretched from ear to ear. As he talked he spoke with passion and awestruck eyes. But it wasn't the same for Bakugo. Bakugo couldn't fake it if he tried.

Bakugo seemed to shrink the more Kirishima talked, the more Kirishima talked about Mina and his love for her, the more Bakugo wanted it to stop. He wanted it all to stop, he wanted Kirishima to stop, to stop talking, to stop liking her, to stop talking about her, he wanted nothing more than to yell at Kirishima and tell him to leave.

But he bit his tongue, he let Kirishima ramble, he let him confess. He couldn't stop him, he didn't have the heart too. He didn't have didn't have the heart to stop Kirishima, the way he bubbled up with joy the more he talked was something even Bakugo couldn't stop. He couldn't ruin it for him, and he wouldn't.

"So thats basically it.." Kirishima shyly said.

"Look.. Just be honest with her, tell her everything. Tell her how much you love her, how you want to spend every second with her. Maybe even give her something, I know she's been wanting some new beaded bracelets, I heard her talking about it with Uraraka when the class was doing friendship bracelets."

"Oh ya the bracelets! I still have the one you gave me!"

"Ya, anyways. Just be honest with her, nothing scripted. Scripted makes you fumble with your words because your trying to remember everything from a papaer that you don't even have and only looked over once. Just be yourself." The more bakugo talked, the less enthused he sounded. Everything he said felt hollow but also like he needed to hear it. Though, Kirishima didn't look into it that much because he was just happy he could get some advice.

Surely Bakugo couldn't possibly need to use his own advice, right? Like Bakugo said, romance is a distraction, and a distraction could be devastating for him. He needs to be the #1 hero, and that means sacrificing..

But is sacrificing the things you love worth the satisfaction of being on top?


Katsuki still lay in the same bed that Kirishima left him in once he left after he got everything he needed from Bakugo. Kirishima was surprised with Bakugo taking the time to help him, he even helped make bracelets that Kirishima would then give to Mina.

"Why did I help him?"

Katsuki asks himself. He, himself, didn't know the reason either.

"..why couldn't he love me back?"

The first, in a long time, a single tear had rolled down his face. But as we all know, when one comes, more is sure to follow. Now he is sat on his bed, back against the wall, knees to his chest, covered in his blanket. His bedside clock reads "5:34pm", the blinds are shut making the room dark but still visible with the remaining light that still fades through.

He stays there, heartbroken and hurt. A bubbling feeling of anguish stay in the most vital part of the human body, the heart. Painfully beating and never stopping. But maybe if it did stop, stopped beating, stopped pumping blood, stopped working, then maybe he could finally be at peace.

Not having to worry about villains everyday, not having to worry if his best friend or classmate is gonna die on that battlefield in the hands of whomever in the next second of everyday, not having to worry if its gonna be the blood on his hands when he went all out and took a life, not having to want it be his life that is took because then he can say he died doing what he loved most.

But Kirishima was who he loved most, romantically at least.

Not even a knock and Uraraka is barging into his room. It was the norm for them, he didn't mind. Until today. "Hey Kat? Have you seen- Kat!!" She swiftly closed the door and ran to his side. Her high pitched screech was surely heard throughout the dormitory but that was the least of either of their worries as of right now.

She sat at the end of his bed, giving him space, not wanting to make him feel trapped in any way. Her and Katsuki have slowly befriended each other over the months, their friendship was not as close as his and Kirishima but it was close. They couldn't hang out a lot because of school but also because Katsuki hung out a lot with Kirishima. She didn't mind because she had a sneaky feeling that Katsuki liked Kirishima, so, she never got in the middle of it.

But seeing her best friend cry was new. Especially when that friend is the Katsuki Bakugo, who would rather die then be seen in a vulnerable state.

"What's wrong?"

Katsuki knew it would be no use in lying, not now. Plus he trusts her, he trusts her in not telling, he trusts her in covering for him, he also trusts her to listen. So, he told her everything.

Katsuki sighed, he took a deep breath before telling her. "He likes Mina.. He wants me to be his wingman.. I'm only his wingman Uraraka.." Katsuki had choked out before he started sobbing. She pulled him into a tight embrace, letting him cry it all out. She never uttered a word, never a "its gonna be okay" or "its all alright" because she knew Katsuki didn't want that.

Heartbreak is hard, heartbreak sucks, heartbreak takes awhile to heal. He and Uraraka knew this. Sugarcoating it wouldn't make a difference, only makes the other hope for a shorter process when they both know thats not the case.
Its especially hard when its your best friend.

"You'll get through this, its in the hand of time now. I'll be here through every step of it too, you can count on me."

-Word Count: 2248


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