The Corpse Groom Story

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-"What a story it is!" a skeleton wearing a bowler hat walked onto the...what I supposed was a stage, standing against a wall.

-"A tragic tale with Romance, Passion, and murder most foul" he continued.

-"This is gonna be good" the short skeleton wearing a blue suit exclaimed to me.

-"Hit it, boys!" the boulder hatted skeleton snapped his fingers as the lights and other skeleton's got into position.

The boulder hatted skeleton began a beat by hitting different parts of the other skeletons with his fingers, as if playing a drum in a way. Another skeleton, wearing sunglasses, began to play a happy melody on the piano.

-"Hey!" the bolder hatted guy began to sing.

-"Give me a listen, your corpses of cheer"

-"At least those of you, who still have an ear"

-"I'll tell you a story, that makes skeleton's cry"

-"Of our own jubilicious and handsome corpse guy"

-"Die, Die, we all pass away"

-"But don't wear a frown"

-"Because it's okay"

-"You try and hide, and you try and pray"

-"But we all end up, the of the day"

-"That's right!"

-"Well, our boy was alluring, for miles around"

-"When a stranger, came into town"

-"She was pretty good-looking, but down on her cash"

-"And our poor baby, he fell down and fast"

-"When his daddy said no, he just couldn't cope it"

-"So our lovers came up, with a plan to elope"

-"Die, Die, we all pass away"

-"But don't wear a frown, cause it's really okay"

-"You try and hide, and you try and pray"

-"But we all end up, the of the day"

-"That's right!" they continued singing while I looked around for a way out. I had tried to leave twice, but I was caught mid way.

-"So they conjured up a plan, to meet late at night"

-"They told not a soul, kept the whole thing up tight"

-"Now him wearing, his father's wedding tux"

-"That fit like a glove"

-"You didn't need much, when your really in love"

-"Except for a few things, or so I'm told "

-"Like the family jewels, and a good sack of gold"

-"And there by the graveyard, by the old wooden tree"

-"He was ready to go, but where was she..."

-"He waited and waited, but his love never came"

-"Until from the shadows, a girl did appear, but was she his"

-"He didn't know, till it was too late"

-"Everything black, but when he opened his eyes"

-"There he was dead, as dead as the dust"

-"Then there he promised, to wait his love"

-"To come set him free, waiting for someone..."

-"To be his true love"

Everyone had continued to dance, and the people close around me were really distracted. I saw this as a way out. I sneaked out quickly, not turning back to risk being seen. 


See you guys Monday! 


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