Twenty Three

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Yesterday, Sal pretty much slept all day. After I fucked him. Just the thought of it made my heart flutter. Am I weird? Probably. I push the thought out of my head and walk to class. Which I have with Todd and Sal. I walk in and Sal was covering his face with his hands and Todd was laughing. I walk over and sit down. "What happened?" I looked at Sal then Todd. "Oh, I was just telling SOMEONE to not be so loud next time!" I chuckled. "God! I hate you both!! I'm over here struggling with a sore ass and Todd is making fun of me!" Todd rolled his eyes and I started to laugh. "You'll be fine Sal!" Todd nudged him in the arm. "Yeah.. Sure. Whatever Todd. I hate you." He finally moved his hands and sighed. "Love you too Sal!" Todd gently patted Sal on the head and Sal swatted him away. "Shoo!" Todd chuckles and scoots back over to his table. I lean down to my bag then I opened it and grabbed a pencil and my notebook for class.

Today, Sal decided to sit back with his friends. Phillip was there too. Ash wasn't there though. Good. Sal sits next to Phillip and I sat next to Sal. I was on the edge, and Neil was across from me. Across from Sal was todd, across from Phillip was Larry. Then I think their names are Chug and Maple? Were across from each other. Phillip was currently talking to Sal and Larry and Neil started talking to me. "So, did you go home last night Travis?" I shake my head. Then Todd had to add, "No, he instead fucked Sal." Sal then covered his face again. "Jesus Todd! Shut up!!" I chuckle nervously and Todd smiles. "Why so embarrassed? You liked it Sal!" Todd grinned and Sal grumbled. "Fuckin hell.." He then moved his hands and leaned against my shoulder. His forehead was on my shoulder and he was looking down. "We should've stayed home!" I chuckle and pat his head. "The day is halfway over. You'll be fine Sal." Sal sighed and nodded on my shoulder. I then gently put my head on Sal's and kiss the top of his head. I quietly said so only he could hear, "I love you darling." After I said that he gently squeezed my hand.

Problematic Love. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat