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(The actual happier than ever song I was waiting on for this wattpad ☝☝ 🙏)

"Morning Travis, Phillip isn't here today?" Travis shakes his head. "He fell asleep right after you left. He said he probably wasn't gonna be here today." I giggle and Travis rolls his eyes. "Oh.. I wanted to ask you something." Travis looked at me curiously. "Yeah Sal?" I take a deep breath. Why am I nervous? "Uh I wanted to ask about your home life? What's it like having a father as a priest and all?" Travis looked a bit nervous. "Uhm.. I don't want to talk about it here, or now. Maybe during lunch? In the empty classroom?" I nod. "Sure travy. See ya then." He smiles and waves. "Bye Sally."

In science Neil and Todd looked at me. I sat down and Neil quickly asked, "Hey, do you maybe wanna sing during the party? Just one song?" He smiles and I roll my eye. "Fine.. I do have a song based on what Ash did to me so why not?" Todd gave me a thumbs up. "Hell yeah!" Neil said excitedly.

Once I got home I worked on practicing the song. It was honestly quite fun.


I was walking home and thinking about a lot. The party is in 2 ish days. Father has been keeping a close eye on me ever since he found that razorblade. How will I possibly be able to sneak out without getting caught? I'll have to ask Phillip for help. But for now, I'm just going to focus on my studies until tomorrow. That's when I'll come up with a plan. I also wonder what mother is making for dinner...

Friday. My stupid alarm clock was going off and I lazily smack the button so it'd shut the hell up. I rub my eyes and sit up. Then I stretch. 6:30. I have about two hours to get ready until I need to start walking to school. I stand up and walk over to my dresser. I pull the drawer open and grab some black jeans. Then I silently close the drawer and open another one. I grab my usual purple sweater. Then I close the drawer and open another which I leave my boxers in. I grab one and close that drawer. I neatly fold all of the clothes together and walk out of my room and into the bathroom. I turn the light on and shut and lock the door behind me. My eyes didn't take long to get used to the bright ass light. I yawn and turn the shower on.

I lastly pull my sweater over my head. Then I grab my towel and rubbed it over my hair. My hair was getting a bit longer and it covered most of my forehead. I stare at myself in the mirror and roll my eyes. I look stupid with my hair all over the place but I ran out of hair gel and mom's going to the store today. And I didn't want to bother asking father if I could use his. I turn unlock the bathroom door and turn the light off. Then I walk into my room to grab my bag then eat breakfast and leave.

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