Chapter Four - House Battle: Begin!

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"So that's the general idea. What do you think?" Kawayu spoke quietly, holding her phone in her right hand and sticking notes into a board with her left. The voice on the other end of the line was quick to answer, his tone serious and firm.

"Given what you've told me about the class, it will no doubt have their attention. I think it will be efficient," he responded. Hisakawa nodded to herself, stepping back to review the board.

"So, will you help out?" she asked, "Of course I'd pay for your flight and everything-"

"Nonsense." the voice had cut her off, as if knowing what she was going to say next. "I owe you one anyways, and it's been a while since we've seen each other. Plus, it allows me to expand my outlook, so to speak." he said. Hisakawa grinned, stepping down from the chair she stood on.

"Yea, you're a teacher yourself. Semester starts in a month, right?" she glanced towards the calendar, her smile fading a bit. The man agreed, rustling paper around in the background of the call.

"The beginning of September. I've got my work cut out for me, much like you do. So.." he paused, as if looking at his own schedule,

"When do we start?"


"I quit!"

Hisakawa shouted in anguish. The sound of her voice echoed throughout the teacher's lounge, shaking the walls and alerting nearby students. Her clipboard had been thrown so harshly it was permanently lodged into the bulletin board. The hand that threw it was clenched tightly in a fist, steam rising from it. The lounge had become a sauna in a matter of minutes. Her colleague sitting beside her held his cup of tea to his chest, afraid it would evaporate if she touched it.

"Riko," All Might began, trying to ease her nerves as she fell back onto the couch, hands covering her face. "Was it really that bad?" He asked, reaching for her shoulders only to immediately recline as she let out another shout.

"You try instructing 20 large-sized children who want to murder their classmates!" She yelled, kicking off her shoes in a huff. "Only two days of training and I've successfully stopped 17 assassination attempts." she scoffed, leaning her head on her palms, "Now I understand what Aizawa meant... they're going to get themselves killed.." Her glasses became fogged by the steam she was producing, hiding her expression from her partner.

"Don't tell me you agree with him," All Might said, taking her glasses off her face and wiping them with his shirt. Hisakawa rolled her eyes, staring blindly in his direction.

"I don't. They deserve a chance, but.." she trailed off, shaking her head, "If I don't come up with something that will keep them all on the same page, I'm screwed, and so are they." she said, and her colleague agreed with her, placing her lenses back in front of her face.

"The first day is always hard," he said, brushing her hair behind her ears, "And they are a year and a half in. There's bound to be rivalries. Maybe there's some way we can separate certain students?" he asked, trying to help pinpoint the answer to their problems. Hisakawa motioned aimlessly towards where her clipboard was lodged.

"A lot of them just want to fight each other, rivals or not," she said in an exasperated tone, "Daigo Yamato started several fights with other classmates, as did Baisho Ikari. Ako Bagu was an instigator. He started most of those fights by judging other students unwarrantedly.." she listed off. Her eyes moved towards looking at the bulletin board. "Then there's students that wont fight at all, like Shiraishi Yumie, who cowers in the corner the entire time.." Hisakawa recalled, adjusting her glasses.

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